Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Google Beta Blogger

Google has slowly started releasing their beta blogger.
While I have not yet been targeted to transfer any of my blogger powered blgos to the new version I have taken the oportunity to create a new beta blog and will use it to publish how to tips and hints related specifically to the new beta version.
You can view Beta Blogger Spy here

One of the key differences is labels - or categories. I will be writing about how to use them later.

I will reference the posts there on here.

Here is the RSS (atom) feed for Beta Blogger Spy if you want that.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Delicious Bookmarks

I am using Delicious now for all my bookmarking and tagging websites as I view them

Check out my cloud here.
RSS Feeds are available for all the tags and you can also join my network if you want to share links.

There are plenty of tags for blog tools, web design and more.

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Good Blog Writing Style

The use of style in your posts make your blog more readable, more professional, and likely to better keep readers attention. Following is a summary from Google Blogscoped.

  1. Use descriptive headlines
  2. Write in inverted pyramid style (a different suggestion would be hourglass style)
  3. Make the first link your main link
  4. re-introduce core ideas
  5. Use lists, images, tables, sub-headlines, examples, indented notes, indented quotes, icons, colors, bold and italics to lighten up your article and make it easier to scan it.
  6. it’s never a good idea to only use sophisticated words
  7. Credit your sources
  8. Mark updates and changes
  9. Spellcheck your posts, and read them for clarity
  10. Mind the exceptions

For detailed explanations of each point be sure to read the original article.