Saturday, May 27, 2006

RSS Reader - Google Reader

Google has a RSS Reader now. It is web based so can be accessed anywhere you have web access.
Google Reader is still in beta, but I have found it to work pretty well. You are able to import an opml (subscriptions list) file and also add new subsciptions easily. You can categorise feeds, show a single feed, a category (known as a label) or the entire list, filter for read and unread and also use a star system to flag items you want to see again later.
The only beef I have had with it so far is it sometimes has taken a while to refresh some feed updates. However this is something I have noticed with a fair few RSS readers so am inclined to suspect it is actually more of an issue with the feed publisher.
Google Reader is also integrated into your My Google account, a customisable portal and also connects to gmail.
Google Reader - worth a look if you want a web based reader or use gmail.