Sunday, October 31, 2004
Having fun with the family
I have had a real busy weekend.After the power of work I got through last night wasn't enough to finish the job I was working on I knew more work was needed today. So I planned out the day to fit as much in as possible.
Off to church we went and that was followed by helping a lady in our home group with some computer woes. Ending up being fairly simple but her daughter was at her wits end trying to get her assignment due tomorrow printed. As they were in the middle of moving house we took them to lunch as well.
I then put in 4 hours at home on the job, and my wife took a photo of me working. As you can see I use a dual monitor display. It makes life so much easier. Sometimes I wish there were three displays. I guess the other computer you can just see the monitor of on my other desk is for that!

I then took a break and we headed out for a drive. The goal was to find some jacaranda trees to photograph while they are in their awesome display of purple flowers but we really left it too late in the day. I got some great shots in terms of the angles etc but the lighting is all wrong so I'm not going to publish most of them. I will however post one of the closeups of the flowers on the photo archive. I took the photos where there were 4 trees together. the sweet smell of the nectar from all the flowers was amazing. Heres the best shot I got that shows the absolute mass of flowers.

Then we played in the park for a bit and Jude got some funny photos.

Heading home we had a quick bite then it was back to work for me. I have just finished and done the invoice and emailed the client so now its time to update my 4 main blogs and the photo archive and then I need to start on my novel!
How was your weekend?