Sunday, January 08, 2006


Want to know the answers to geek questions about stuff?
There is an excellent geek website called where you can find answers to all sorts of questions.

Here are the categories, and also a link to what SATA or Serial ATA is (how I found them). Thanks wisegeek!

Home and Garden
Issues related to your home and everything around it.

Technology and Gadgets
Technological innovations seem to trickle down and find their way into our lives either directly or indirectly. We cover all those gadgets that you fumble around with each day, as well as other technologies that may not be so ubiquitous.

Manufacturing and Industry
Manufacturing techniques and industrial technologies.

Internet and Computers
Information technology is altering all of our lives; in this section we address search engines, keyboards, storage, networks, security, auctions etc.

Health and Wellness
Diseases, conditions, cures, fitness and other health-related matters.

Crafts and Do-it-Yourself
Information about tools, materials, crafts and do-it-yourself projects.

Finance and Investing
Answers to your questions about personal finance and investing.

Science and Engineering
Scientific research and the associated breakthroughs are fueling modern life with new innovations and ways of viewing the world.

Cars Boats and Airplanes
Cars, boats, planes and trains- they're everywhere! We cover all sorts of topics related to the vehicles that we use to transport our possessions and ourselves.

Business and Economy
Business, economics and other questions related to money.

Sports and Hobbies
Answers relating to sports, hobbies and other pastimes.

Food and Cooking
All about food, cooking and cuisines.

Travel and Entertainment
Vacations, cruises, and all sorts of ways to relax and enjoy yourself.

Art and Music
Film, poetry, architecture, sculpture, painting and all sorts of music.

Information about all sorts of important people, past and present.

The World
World politics, geography, country statistics and the environment. We also provide an extensive collection of maps.

Animals and the Environment
Everything about the natural world around us

The United States
The history, places and economy of America.

Language and The Humanities
We tackle questions regarding figures-of-speech, philosophy, logic and language.

History and Government
Wars, historical figures and events that have shaped our lives.

The repository of our ansers that do not seem to fit in one of our other categories.