Hey there Geek Girl Blogger readers. This week we are featuring mandyvan as our Geek Girl Blogger.
Name: Mandy Van Cleave
Screen Name: mandyvan
Personal Blog: http://blog.myspace.com/mandyvan
Social Networks: MySpace, Twitter, Ning, Pownce.
Other websites she is active in at times: Youtube, Digg, blog.tv.
Current Employment: Job Searching!
Location: America
I blog to stay sane. In grade school, we journaled so much and I began to miss that. Sharing a journal with the rest of the world sounds like a pretty neat concept to me, so you can gear what you are writing about to interest others but still be random and personal. Even though blogging is a release, I think there's also that underlying possibility of being "discovered" with blogging, whether its someone wanting you to blog more because they like your writing style, or finding a job where your brand of creativity would be appreciated.
I found many geek t-shirts in my closet, so that encouraged me to pick up blogging. I have a corresponding G33k shirTz album on MySpace.
I am working late tonight - getting some stuff cleared before a busy day tomorrow so that I can focus on a client deadline.
So as a way of reducing the number of webpages I have open in Firefox (currently 52) here's a whole bunch that I am tagging to delicious and closing for later review.
SBS server 2008 RC0 released to public for beta trial. We will be dlwonloading and installing this in a Virtual Machine to trial. We will be upgrading from SBS 2003 later in the year when SBS 2008 is released. The screen shots I have seen so far look awesome.
The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
Each player answers the questions about themselves.
At the end of the post, the player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know they’ve been tagged and asking them to read your blog.
Let the person who tagged you know when you’ve posted your answer.
a) What was I doing 10 years ago?
We have been working a lot in Drupal lately.
Currently we have just completed a site (can't give details sorry) for a client that had very exacting requirements. We were very proud of the work we pulled off as a team and the client thanked us profusely. Here is what she wrote to us:
I just wanted to give you and your team a very BIG THANK YOU!!!! for everything you have done to getting this project complete and working so well!
She has two new jobs to pass to us. We received the first scope document yesterday.
I tried an experiment yesterday while out for dinner for Jude's Birthday. I set my mobile phone up on a pole overlooking the main dinner table the adults were sitting at. Then I set the camera to take a photo every 30 seconds. The end result was a lot of photos that I then turned into a short movie using Windows Movie Maker. I uploaded it onto YouTube. Here is the result.
We will be having a house guest shortly for a little while. Jamie is heading back to China and will stay with us until he goes.
If you are interested in a portal webpage made for Australian users then check out his The Great HomePage.
This week we are featuring for the first time a profile of one of our Geek Girl Bloggers.
Name: Allison Reynolds
Screen Name/s: Allison - AllisonR - Gramyre
Personal blog/s: http://allisonreynolds.com/blog/ and http://www.netxperiment.com/wordpress
Social Networks: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Seesmic, Flickr, UStream, friendfeed.
Other websites she is active in at times: deviantART, JustinTV.
Current Employment: A manager for a large multinational IT company.
Location: Australia
"I blog for several reasons - To make my online and offline projects public so I am accountable for their results, people seem to love watching other people "do" things. I blog because I have Multiple Sclerosis and writing keeps the neural pathways developing (use it or lose it!). And I blog because I like expressing myself in the medium, kind of like modern story telling, but making the truth sound interesting so that the people who read my blog get something out of it."
Here is a round up of a lot of pages I have tagged in delicious or just decided to link to because of their content but don't have time to review in depth.
Mark from Geeks are Sexy has written a very good article on writing for the web using RSS and other tools to gather information and resources. A must read for any serious blogger.
Miguel from Tip of the Day has written a long explanation of the need to Make and Maintain a Master Information Document. Use this tool to hold all passwords, settings and other vital information that your executors and survivors will need when you die.
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