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jethro's picture

SpyJournal upgraded and egosurfing

I just finished upgrading SpyJournal’s backend for a whole bunch of modules and the Core Drupal system. After finishing I checked some stats and did a bit of back tracking.

2010-03-20 Model Shoot 022-640 Here are some interesting places I found myself in before getting bored with egosurfing.

Real Website worth – this site is currently worth $857.04. I would value it a lot higher and the data doesnt appear to be very accurate. It does say I’m ranked 567895 on Alexa. My page rank is also 3 not 2.

Photos for sale websites

I got a link posted on Egghead cafe as an answer to conditional formatting in Excel by a user called C_A_P

Wholinkstome – extremely under represented here!

I got linked in a MSDN community site for Excel VBA

Rebecca Bollwitt (Miss 604) and I got linked to on …ology – see my original Geek girls article on Miss 604

Lots of top Google searches for all sorts of things including pornograpy (yeah spelt wrong), various Excel and VBA searches, Power Pivot, OneNote, AFL training schedules,

jethro's picture

Nominate your Blogging lady for a BlogHer Award

A blog hero contest has been announced on the BlogHer website.

Here's how AnITGirl announces it:

Announcing the “Who’s Your BlogHer Hero?” contest.  In a nutshell, here’s how this is going to go down…I quote from the official rules when I say that we’re looking for “a blogger that has made an impact in the life of women and how that blog inspires passion, innovation and ability to inspire a community.”  Said blogger can be male or female, btw.  The nominator will send in a 100 word essay on why this person is worthy of being the BlogHer hero, and a team of judges will pick one blogger to award an awesome prize to.  The prize in question is a trip for 2 to BlogHer in San Francisco this summer.

Check all the rules on the blog her site and then nominate yourself or someone you know.

jethro's picture

Keeping up with the Joneses

Oprah has an incredible story of keeping up with the Joneses. Read and learn lessons!

Lena's picture

Don't Trade Your Life for Tech

Nick has written an article on not letting work overtake your life:

Those of us in the technology sector see it all the time: co-workers who put in incredible hours coding away as though they have nothing else in their lives. And quite often, they don't.

I used to be one of those people.

When I was working on HomeSite over a decade ago, I rarely left my desk. If I wasn't coding, I was answering email or doing some other work-related task. I hardly slept, ate far too much junk food, and traded my health for what I thought was a successful career as a software developer.

Read the rest of the Don't Trade your Life for Tech article.