June 2009

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jethro's picture

Photography, Running and Injuries

I have been doing a lot of photography lately. Something to do with getting my new gear! I’m playing with White Balance, ISO, Aperture and Shutter settings and trying different things. A lot of these things I have of course done before, but now I am doing it with good gear and I am starting to get some good results.

I’ve put some of my good photos into this article. There are lots more in my flickr account, and for those connected to me on facebook a few there as well. A couple of very good shots have made it to my red bubble account where they can be purchased.

We went on a fun run on Sunday morning. I entered int he 5km run, but had to pull out early due to an injuury sustained at squash last Friday. I have pulled / damaged / twisted a nerve in the side of my left calf and it is very sore. The good thing was that as I got back to the finish line before most people I was able to take a large number of photos that have subsequently been made available for the runners to access.

jethro's picture

Excel Links

My apologies for no Excel tips in here lately. I have been asked to write some specific things that will take some time to put together as they involve explaining complex conceptual approaches to solving the problem as well as the specific excel solution. However they are coming – thanks Nicola and Traci. Anybody else want to send me ideas for posts or requests for help feel free.

excel 2007 Today I am just emptying my browser from a whole bunch of other peoples Excel posts I had found interesting and wanted to share.

This one actually answers one of Nicolas questions – kind of – what are the differences between Excel 2003 and 2007. While not specifically answering this question, Allen explains how to find the differences in VBA. Excel 2007 VBA differences

One of the most common problems we have in Excel is using dates and times in relation to calendar years and financial years. In Australia the financial year ends June 20 so financial years cross two calendar years. This also causes issues with the financial year quarters. DataPig Technologies has a post on the BaconBits Blog about Choosing Quarters in Excel.

Jan Karel Pieterse, a long time Excel MVP I have read for a long time, has a extensive Excel website. His comprehensive series on Using Range Names is very useful.

While working on a major coding project we needed to remove sensitivity to case. This article from OzGrid provided the answers we needed. Stop Excel VBA Macro Code Being Case Sensitive & Compare Text. Excel VBA Case Sensitive.

Gordon Atkinson's picture

I thought this thing was supposed to be easy

I hope you’ve seen Pulp Fiction.

You know what the funniest thing about the Mac is? It’s the little differences. I mean, they got the same stuff over there that we got here, but it’s just, with a Mac, it’s a little different.


 macpchodgmanblogWell, the first time I started a program on the Mac, I couldn’t figure out where the menu was. There was a menu at the top of the screen called “Finder,” with the familiar file, edit, and view commands along with others, though clicking those wasn’t bringing up anything I understood. I saw a program called “TextEdit” on the dock, a shiny shelf at the bottom of the screen. I clicked it, and a text editing window came up. Cool. But it had no menu at all. I spent an hour opening programs with the finder window, but then having no idea how to run them. It was like there were no menus in this strange world.

“How the hell do these people open documents and save them and do all the stuff you have to do?”

I finally figured out that in the Mac world, the menu bar is always at the top of the screen, and it’s not connected to the program window. This single menu CHANGES depending on which program window is active. Mac people, who have never known anything different, don’t understand why this is hard for us. But I’m telling you it took me a solid hour to figure it out.

So the disembodied, disappearing and reappearing menus would be one of the little differences.

jethro's picture

Windows 7 is really starting to get some momentum

I have one Windows 7 PC so far, its running very smoothly in the 64 bit edition on a core i7 extreme chip, 6 GB of DDR3 RAM in a X58 Motherboard with 2 BFG 8800GTX Video cards in SLI.

Windows 7 LogoI am so impressed with the improvements in Media Centre I am about to reinstall my Home Theatre Media Centre with it. I am also considering rebuilding my main development PC using Windows 7 and using a Virtual Machine to launch the old machine.

Now here’s a round up of news tweaks, themes and other Windows 7 links I have come across recently.

jethro's picture

Pong Shots

This shows off some awesome skills –either with a ping pong ball or a camera – or both!

Thanks to Caffeinated Thoughts

jethro's picture

2009-06-13 Park Birds and Kids 414-600

2009-06-13 Park Birds and Kids 414-600
jethro's picture

2009-06-13 Park Birds and Kids 393-600

2009-06-13 Park Birds and Kids 393-600
jethro's picture

2009-06-13 Park Birds and Kids 386-600

2009-06-13 Park Birds and Kids 386-600
jethro's picture

2009-06-13 Park Birds and Kids 310-600

2009-06-13 Park Birds and Kids 310-600
jethro's picture

2009-06-13 Park Birds and Kids 117-600

2009-06-13 Park Birds and Kids 117-600