October 2009

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When Excel 2003 doesn't display data and Excel 2010 information

I came across an interesting issue yesterday. I found a limit that I was previously unaware of in Excel 2003.

ExcelI had written some code that was taking data from a large data set into an array, filtering for some specific information and writing the results to another array. Then I was attempting to paste that array data into a range in the spreadsheet as a report. All was working well until I selected one specific set of inputs and ran the report. Suddenly it stopped pasting halfway though the paste. That is it would paste some of the data and not the rest and the code would break on the paste function. After some analysis I determined that the particular cell it kept breaking on had 1400 characters in it. Some research on Google helped. I discovered two things.

jethro's picture

Windows Live Mail

The following is the sample email that pops up in Windows Mail. Windows mail is being gradually replaced by Windows Live mail. This is a much better free email application than the old Outlook Express which technically wasn't free, you had to buy windows XP to get it. Windows live mail can be downloaded for free as part of the live suite.

I use it for a lot of clients as an easy way to manage their Hotmail or Gmail accounts on their PC.

image Windows Mail is the successor to Outlook Express

Windows Mail builds on the foundation of Outlook Express, adding a variety of new features designed to make your e-mail experience more productive and fun, while helping to reduce risks and annoyances such as phishing and junk e-mail.

jethro's picture

News from around the Web

Windows Phone Website – if you use a windows mobile then there are plenty of resources here. If you don’t you probably should!

Insert the date and time in your OneNote notes. Shortcuts are:

  • To insert the current date and time, press ALT+SHIFT+F.
  • To insert only the date, press ALT+SHIFT+D.
  • To insert only the time, press ALT+SHIFT+T.

Explanation of trusted documents feature in Office 2010

Outlook 2010 has some cool calendar features

Windows Media Centre Hints and tips from Missing remote

jethro's picture

Dreamcoat Photography - Family Portraits

Jude and I have started a new business – Dreamcoat Photography. The website is not up yet, but we will be building it in the near future.

We are taking family portraits and will be soon open for business.

In the meantime here are some of the photos we have taken so far.

IMG_8576 IMG_8556 IMG_8619 2009-10-09 Redcliffe Pier and Jacaranda Tree 121  IMG_8591 2009-10-09 Redcliffe Pier and Jacaranda Tree 244

jethro's picture

Do you mostly listen to music?

jethro's picture

Riding and other bits and pieces

Back to work and back to an inbox full of things to do. I have spent a massive amount of time this last week working – the sailing holiday is now a dim and distant memory!

First some riding news. I got my bike back with the rear shock rebuilt (under warranty) and took it for a test ride with the MTB ride group yesterday. It held up just fine and the ride was an epic one - if a little long for my liking. The Saturday MTB group is back – meeting at the Wolves Bike Den every Saturday at midday for an epic ride like this. All ages and experiences welcome.

Map and terrain detail on bikely of the Ewen Maddock Dam Ride Click the pictures for more detail.