May 2010

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Handful of Fragments Collective - Allsorts Event

2010-05-13 All Sorts 083-800James and I headed off to the Valley tonight for a most fun photoshoot. Alloneword Bar is part inside and part outside – the back part is a courtyard of wasted space between buildings that has been turned into a funky little arty spot. The walls have been painted with amazing art lit up by spotlights.

The event was organised by the Handful of Fragments Collective, a group whose aim is to showcase young emerging artists, visual, theatric, artists and musicians. Moneth Montemayor is a friend of a friend and the Artistic Director. She is also a guitarist in the band The Mothership. So I got invited to shoot the bands and other activities. James came along to carry my gear, assist with the flashes which we had to keep moving to light up the bands and stage areas and swap out my lenses for me. He also has some great ideas for angles and photo composition.

The following photos are a small representation of the photos from the night. The rest of them are up on flickr in the Alloneword Bar Handful of Fragments Collective Set.

Wall Art

2010-05-13 All Sorts 001-800 2010-05-13 All Sorts 082-800

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SpyJournal upgraded and egosurfing

I just finished upgrading SpyJournal’s backend for a whole bunch of modules and the Core Drupal system. After finishing I checked some stats and did a bit of back tracking.

2010-03-20 Model Shoot 022-640 Here are some interesting places I found myself in before getting bored with egosurfing.

Real Website worth – this site is currently worth $857.04. I would value it a lot higher and the data doesnt appear to be very accurate. It does say I’m ranked 567895 on Alexa. My page rank is also 3 not 2.

Photos for sale websites

I got a link posted on Egghead cafe as an answer to conditional formatting in Excel by a user called C_A_P

Wholinkstome – extremely under represented here!

I got linked in a MSDN community site for Excel VBA

Rebecca Bollwitt (Miss 604) and I got linked to on …ology – see my original Geek girls article on Miss 604

Lots of top Google searches for all sorts of things including pornograpy (yeah spelt wrong), various Excel and VBA searches, Power Pivot, OneNote, AFL training schedules,

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Family Times and News

For those who haven't caught up with the news, we have sold the Jethro businesses to IT Integrity and are now working for IT Integrity as a Business Manager. As a salaried employee again for the first time in 15 years (although I am part owner of the business) it means I now get to have publics holidays and annual leave. I have also continued with my scheduling of family time in my diary.

Yesterday I took the kids up to the park  behind our house while Jude went shopping. Jade and I decided to go on a bit of a photo hunt while Erin and Mercedes took their paper planes to fly. Miranda lay down on a chair and watched!

The following pictures tell the story of what we did at Cockatoo Crest Park.

2010-05-08 Park Things 013 2010-05-08 Park Things 014

I liked the shot I got of Mercedes about to launch her plane. Erin loved to run and launch herself into the swing stomach first. Then Jade and I took some water shots, the dribbling tap, followed by the three kids collaborating to produce water anklets. Erin ended up standing on top while Mercedes pushed the button so Jade and I could get shots.

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Photography stuff - tools and reviews

Some of the cool things I have found lately that are photography related.

Tool Trader II by Meanest Indian


Microsoft Producer for PowerPoint provides users with many powerful new features that make it easier to synchronize audio, video, slides, and images to create engaging and effective rich-media presentations. Producer gives content and media professionals, as well as everyday PowerPoint users a host of new content authoring features.

  • Compfight – a flickr searching tool – excellent for finding photos for use in blog posts. Its where I found the picture in this article of the tools.

Local Camera Groups and Clubs (for me)


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Link Dump

Everything good or interesting I have found lately – loosely organised. And a photo I took recently.

Social Media and Web Design

2010-05-01 Harveys Dogs 143-640 Darren Rowse talks about how churches should use Social Media

Robin Good on Website Accessibility: How To Make Your Website Highly Accessible And Standards-Compliant. Article written by Drazen Dobrovodski.

Add Facebook Plugins to your Blog

From Digital Inspiration - Zero to a Million Users. Adam Smith and Drew Houston, founders of two successful Internet startups – Xobni and Dropbox – share secrets that helped their products win two million users in two years with mostly word-of-mouth marketing and no advertising spend.

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Office 2007 and 2010 Sundry Tips and Hints

There is just so much going on with the whole change over from Office 2007 to 2010, and for those of you still stuck in 2003, even more important for you to start convincing your organisations of the need to go straight to 2010.

We have been running the beta 2010 here solidly an all our main machines here for 2 months now, with some individual test machines previous to that. Unfortunately now we have to have test and development environments in both 2003 and 2007 so that has doubled our required number of Virtual Machines.

Following are some of the latest news and bits and pieces as well as some other MS Office related information I have come across recently.

Excel 2007 and 2010

Excel Conditional formatting. Conditional formatting in 2007 is one of the main reasons people come to These two articles are the single most hit articles of the thousands here with over 50,000 views between them:

Amit Velingkar has written conditional formatting rules simplified while Dick Kusleika has written some code to list out all the conditional formatting rules in a worksheet