November 2010

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High Calling Photo Play Spotting Good

The High Calling PhotoPlay Invitation this week is titled Spotting Good, picking 5 good photos and why i like them and then inspiring me to do something.

I picked these 5 photos for these reasons:


By Kelly Langner Sauser

I love the depth of field and the colour here - this photo indicates time and patience. Seeing the potential in a shot is one thing, getting it takes time and patience, a photographers best friends sometimes.

jethro's picture

Windows Phone 7 and the HTC Mozart

I have upgraded to a Windows Phone 7 - and the handset I chose is the HTC Mozart. It is probably the slickest phone interface i have ever used - and beats the iPhone 4 on most features. It certainly is streets ahead of the old Windows Mobile 6.5 phones - my previous phone was the extremely powerful HTX TouchPro2. Its only flaw was the slow TouchFlo3d interface.
