November 2011

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jethro's picture

Windows 7 and Cloud Stuff

Some links and resources about how to improve your use of Windows 7 and understand more about cloud options with Windows tools and server technology.

jethro's picture

Windows 8 is coming

imgresWindows 7 is definitely the most advanced OS Microsoft has produced to date. Slicker than Vista. less memory hungry and smaller install footprint as well. Way more secure than XP and more efficient user of memory, it also takes great advantage of GPU memory (in video cards).

Windows 8 is coming and it is a huge step up from Windows 7. It will feature touchscreen tablet like screen layouts (similar to the Windows Phone touch screen objects, and will allow metro style apps to be developed and displayed anywhere you like on your screens.

Here are some news items, links and videos etc. for you to preview.

Improvements in Windows Explorer in Windows 8

Previewing Windows 8

Download the Windows 8 Developer Preview

A preview of Windows Live for Windows 8