Saw my first whale today. The photo is not fantastic but I’ll include it anyway. I hope to get some better ones later
We got under way around 10am after a busy morning. I got up at around 6:30 and headed for the showers and then took some early morning photos while having a walk around. After the others got up we prepared sails, sluiced down the decks, then packed provisions into the fridge, and checked the motor’s water and oil levels.
After motoring out from the anchorage we set sail – I hoisted the mains and the jib while the others hauled in the halyards and trimmed the sheets. The wind was pretty much in the wrong direction to where we wanted to go so we had to tack most of the way. So 65Nm ()Nautical Miles) becomes closer to 80-90.
After sailing past Pentecost Island (named by Captain cook) we saw some more whales – too far out to photograph, and some dolphins chasing fish. None of them seem interested in the boat which pleases the skipper mightily, but I would really like them to come closer so I could photography them. I have had to amuse myself with photographing the boat, the crew and the somewhat boring islands as we pass through them. The weather is very fine and the wind is pretty light so we are just cruising gently along at between 4 and 6 knots. Its going to be a long day.
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