I have had so much new stuff come over my desk the last few days I haven’t got time to try it or even review it properly. There is a lot of new innovative things going on at the moment on the web.
Here is a randomly ordered selection of stuff that I thought was cool or useful.
(also added to my original large file sharing post)
Pando is free P2P software that makes downloading, streaming and sharing large media files fast, easy and fun. Need to email large attachments, IM a folder, or publish your downloadable videos to the Web? Maybe you'd just like to watch full-screen HD Internet TV. Meet Pando.
Free Photo Shop tutorials at Luxa
SkyScanner is a Flight Search site that works for other countries than US.
This weeks GGB has a very interesting job, and although she isn’t a frequent blogger on her personal website, perhaps being featured in the GGB series has inspired her to use her blog more often. Not that I, Amanda, have done any better. My personal blog is pretty much un-used… I still only have intentions to use it. But when I do, I’ll probably end up writing this article about my own survey! Anyhow, today we have the lovely Sarah Katz:
Name: Sarah Katz
Screen Name: @katzsarah (Twitter) Personal Blog: http://katzsarah.blogspot.com/
Social Networks: Twitter (@katzsarah), Facebook (Sarah Emily Katz), LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahemilykatz)
Current Employment: Lisa P. Maxwell (www.lisapmaxwell.com)
Location/country: Chicago, IL
I usually like to post interesting links that I have found online or little blurbs about what I’m up to.
I mostly write about the same variety of things. (Cool links, funny stories, what I’m doing during the day)
The atmosphere was buzzing as I stepped into the Verve Café. It was the second Brisbane Geek Girl Dinner, and it has grown since the last one! There were many familiar faces, and a sea of new ones. My friend Dani and I were greeted by Bronwen when we arrived, and instinctively made our way to the bar. $5 fire engines? Who can go wrong with that? There were two long tables dedicated to Geek Girls, and the group filled both :). So we parked ourselves beside Jenine – Jenine and I go way back.
This weeks blogger is Kate Foy from Australia! Yeah!
Name: Kate Foy
Screen Name: Dramagirl
Personal Blog/s: http://katefoy.com - http://actorsgreenroom.net - http://expressiveplus.com/
Social Networks:
Twitter (Dramagirl)
Facebook (Kate Foy)
Tumblr (Dramagirl)
Seesmic (Dramagirl)
Delicious (Dramagirl and Expressive Plus). I also play in other spots (Jaiku, use Digg and 12Seconds) but less so. The networks above seem to work just fine.
Current Employment: Freelance consultant and creative arts professional.
Location/country: Toowoomba, Australia.
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