The Australian Federal Election looms tomorrow. There has been lots of interesting political action leading up to this election in recent months. Most of it however is a "pull the wool over the eyes" of the ignorant voting population, most of whom don't read (to understand) and don't realise the deep down implications of voting for one party over another.
The Evangelical Alliance website has some very well thought out and written articles about all different aspects of the coming election and politics in general.
The interesting in-depth reading comes from comparing the charters or principles the parties themselves stand for, and we all know at the end of the day its the parties that control the legislature, not the individuals for whom we vote. Thus it is critical to understand the principles for which the parties themselves stand and the likely direction they will go on certain issues.
Here are some comparisons from Liberal and Labour's statements. (The two main parties). These statements are taken directly from the Labor and Liberal parties charters,
On work and business
Labor was born out of the trade union movement and its struggle for a secure, decent and dignified life for working people. This relationship must be more than merely historic; it must be a constructive partnership that takes the whole nation forward. ... For Labor, government has a critical role in ensuring fairness by: - Removing unjustifiable discrimination; and achieving a more equitable distribution of wealth, income and status. ... Labor is committed to protecting and advancing the fundamental rights of working people to join trade unions, and to organise, collectively bargain and strike.
We believe... In the creation of wealth and in competitive enterprise, consumer choice and reward for effort as the proven means of providing prosperity for all Australians. ... In Liberalism, with it emphasis on the individual and enterprise, as the political philosophy best able to meet the demands and challenges of the 21st century.
My Comment:
Labour is committed to socialism - essentially the opposite of the "reward for effort" liberal policy. Under labour there should be no economic discrimination between the non productive member of society and the productive member. Liberal recognise the individual and the entrepreneurs individuality and rewards them financially by encouraging them to achieve above their peers. This is critical to building a strong economy - compare western Europe and USA vs eastern Europe and socialistic African nations.
On the family
Central to ensuring fairness in an era of change will be to assist families to better balance the pressures of work, family and social obligations. Labor believes that the family is the fundamental group unit of society, and that its economic security is of paramount importance. Labor will work with all involved to help achieve suitable work arrangements, and access to social programs to help achieve this balance.
We believe... In the family as the primary institution for fostering the values of which a cohesive society is built. ... Our organisation is based on three principles: security, individual achievement and strong representation for local communities. Security: We believe in security for the nation, local communities and families.
My Comment:
Labor haven't really said anything here. This is probably the longest sentence I have ever read for the number of words that can be written and still say nothing of importance. Labor gives lip service to families and suggests socialism is the way to support them in a society. In practice socialism tears families apart. Liberals are not vague at all but strongly declare the security of the family as one of there three founding principals. They also specifically identify the family as the core unit for a societies values.
My choice
As a family man, a small business owner and entrepreneur, I could not in all conscience support a political organisation that actively works to undermine my ability to operate a small business and protect my rights as a business owner to choose my staff, protect me from industrial action or reward me for greater effort than my peers. I must look toward a political party that states clearly that the family unit is not only important but will be protected at all costs. The Liberals do this clearly.
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