September 2007

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Grand Final Lashing by the Cats

Port Power were totally outplayed in a Grand Final lashing frenzy by the Geelong Cats.
The final score 163 to 44 had a winning margin of 119 points that was the greatest ever, beating the previous record of 96. It was also the cats first premiership in 43 years.

I thought the best players on the ground today were Paul Chapman for the Cats and Peter Burgoyne for Port.

It was an excellent game and Michael and I followed it off with some precision football kicking out in the park afterwards.

jethro's picture

AFL Grand Final day 2007

For todays viewing pleasure, the full list of events at the AFL Grand Final day can be found on the official website.

I will be watching from 1:30PM with some mates.
Go the ... hmmm ... I don't really like either team!
One of my mates is a mad keen port supporter, and I don't know anybody who supports Geelong (we live in Lions Country).

I think I will go for the cats just so Port don't win!
Go the Cats!

jethro's picture

New Windows Mobile Powered Devices

Microsoft Windows Mobile is now really taking off in Smart Phones and PDAs.

There are a range of devices in each of these categories on the Microsoft Windows Mobile Website.

Take your Microsoft Office Outlook
e-mail, contacts, and calendar with you. With Windows Mobile, you can browse the Web, view Microsoft Office files,* listen to music, and more—all from your mobile phone.

Need everything except the phone? With a Windows Mobile powered PDA, you get the mobile version of Microsoft Office, which includes Outlook Mobile, Word Mobile, Excel Mobile, and PowerPoint Mobile. Plus, if your PDA has Wi-Fi, you can surf the Web and check Web-based e-mail on Wi-Fi networks.

jethro's picture

Great start to the day

My wife suggested I go for a run this morning, so at 7:45 I pushed myself out the door and stretched and the headed out on a run. It was a beautiful start to the morning and the sun was warm and the running was good. I felt great, even when I got back. Walking up the street to our place was a good way to stretch the calves.

Into the airconditioning and some more stretches before cleaning the fish tanks. It is always great to see the tanks nice and clean, and though it will be a couple of hours before the filters remove all the cloudiness from the water, I got some great shots with my mobile phone camera.

Then into work.

jethro's picture

Busy Day

Had a busy day today - am ready to go to Red Rooster for dinner!

  • This site is mostly finished - theres still a few small tweaks to go.
  • Worked on clients projects most of the day - have lots on the go.
  • Dealt with 2 clients websites that have issues (the clients not the websites!)
  • Finished our end of year tax reporting as well.
  • Now time to relax for the evening - away from the PC!
Lena's picture

Don't Think, Just Right-Click

Interesting article from the Microsoft Office Word Team's Blog
Recently while I was tutoring my Mom and Dad on Word 2007 I blurted out: "Just right-click." The remainder of this post is part explanation, part apology, and part justification.
Jonathan from the word team explains the right click philosphy
If you are like my Mom and Dad and do not design software for a living, chances are you never ask yourself questions like: "In what context is feature X most useful?" But, you most certainly have thoughts like "I need to do X to Y." when using software. My suggestion to my parents is my suggestion to you: right-click on Y and look for something like X. The intent here is not to be terse. It is to provide simple and helpful advice.

Lena's picture

Automatic List of Labels for Blogger Classic Templates

Since Blogger introduced labels, one of the pressing concerns for those publishing via FTP or those on blogspot who don't want to switch to a Layout based template was how to automatically list all the labels used on the blog in the sidebar. Blogger does not provide any template tags for this in Classic Templates (maybe they will at some point, but adding new features to Classic Templates probably isn't a high priority, if at all).

We followed these instructions on how to add labels to blogger templates to successfully add label lists to all the old SpyJournal blogger templates.

Lena's picture

Create A Tag Cloud in Blogger Based on Content

Tag Clouds are an easy way to get people explore your site deeper. You may have seen them on delicious, Technorati Profile or Flickr, We use them on this site, see the Tags link in the navigation menu.

Armit tells us how to create a tag cloud for blogger using RainMaker 

jethro's picture

Excel Calculation Errors

Yesterday evening as I was about to go to bed one of my developers Doug, sent through a link to a forum post outlining a serious calculation error in Excel 2007.

This afternoon David Gainer, in the Excel team, posted an official response to the Excel 2007 Calculation Error.
He outlines the background to the problem, the specific issue in Excel 2007 and the solution.

It looks like it will be 10-15 days before a patch is distributed.

I will keep you all updated.

jethro's picture


Here is my blogroll of Family, Friends, Excel Sites, Cool Tech sites etc.





Excel Blogs and Sites

Tech Blogs and Sites



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