September 2007

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Navipane for Excel

Navipane contacted me to review their addin for Excel on this site.
I went to the Navipane website, downloaded, installed and used the Navipane addin for Excel. I noticed there a bunch of similar addins for other Microsoft Products, notably PowerPoint, Word and Access.

I am using Excel 2007 so this review relates to how I interacted with Navipane in that environment.

When installing you are required to have Excel closed.
The first thing I noticed after opening Excel again was that there was an addin menu called Navipane in the ribbon, and a resize able tabbed window had opened up on the right hand side of the Excel pane titled Navipane System.
The tabs listed are Home, Sheets, Favorites and History.


jethro's picture

Interesting ethical questions

I was reading an article on Real Live Preacher the other day.

Gordon poses the questions of what is morality as it relates to fantasy. When we are playing a game, acting a fantasy or story, reading a novel, watching a movie, is there a line between good and evil actions? Is child sex in a cartoon OK? The English propose to make it illegal. Why not then extend this to rape, murder, stealing, drug use, etc in movies, stories, books, etc. Alternatively, if it is OK to have some of these illegal activities portrayed in fictional situations, why not all of them? On what basis do we determine that some are good and some are bad?

jethro's picture

NPV and FV From Scheduled Cash Flows

From Charley Kyd's Excel Newsletter.

When readers ask questions that I think others would find useful, I try to take the time to frame my answer as an article.
Recently a reader asked about the XNPV and XIRR functions, which are new with Excel 2007.
These are really useful functions. Suppose you have a column of cash flows and a column of dates. The dates don't need to be periodic. These functions find the Net Present Value and the Internal Rate of Return for that schedule of cash flows.
My reader wondered if there's a way to do the same thing for Future Values.
It turns out that the SUMPRODUCT function can do exactly what he needed. Better yet, this function allows Excel 2003 users to calculate both the future and present values of the same cash flow schedule.
See Find Future & Present Values From Scheduled Cash Flows In Excel 2003 and Excel 2007.

jethro's picture

Digging the garden

My dad always said there was no need to go to the gym when you had a garden you could go and dig!

Well I just finished digging the garden twice over, once to turn it over and the second time to work through all the mulch and compost I put into it.

I got away with only one blister!

jethro's picture

Spy Journal Archives

This is the third incarnation of Spy Journal
Archive by Month from this site
For all the previous posts check these Spy Journal Archive links:

For the specific pages in Version 2, check these links:

jethro's picture

Multiple Monitors

I have been working with 2 monitors for years.
This week I upgraded to 3 and after tomorrow will be using 4 (when I pick up a long enough DVI cable to reach)

Already with 3 I have found some productivity gains.
I have 2 22" widescreens as my main monitors and 2 19" widescreens either side of them. As my desk is a curved reception desk (curves through 90 degrees) they sit very nicely on it.
So how did I make it work? Well two BFGTech 8800GTX OC 768Mb video cards (SLI) help - and a massive server case fan to cool them!
I have the 2 19"s either side of the main 22" monitors. So from left to right they are numbers 3, 1, 2, 4

jethro's picture

Erins Birthday

Erin's birthday was on Wednesday - she is 6 now and growing up to be a big girl.
With birthdays at our place come extra chores and a raise in pocket money. Erin's new chore is making all the shoes at the front door line up neatly in pairs!

Here's a picture of her at Sizzlers with her birthday cake.

jethro's picture

About Me

Hi and welcome to Spy Journal.

My name is Tim, but I am also known as Jethro. You can read my detailed career history and see for yourself if I am qualified to write about Excel, technology and the web. Hopefully my daughters don't tell you I should play more with them and write less. Spyjournal profile page Tim Miller profile page

I write articles on this website about:

jethro's picture

Death by Caffeine

Find out how much of your favorite drink will kill you.

jethro's picture

Procrastinate this!

Measure your procrastination time while futzing around on the internet
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