March 2008

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Fortunately minor ones. Our practice game of AFL on the weekend was good - though I could see virtually nothing as my contacts hadn't arrived. I hurt my knee in the 2nd quarter and was reduced to jogging - couldn't sprint. However was able to lay some good tackles, get some good hand balls away and some good kicks. Missed a mark that would have gotten me a kick for goal - slippery ball came in at my knees. I did get it off the ground, busted the tackle that was laid on me and and handballed to one of our guys running through at the goal, only he kicked it into the square and it was marked by the opposition. My knee is a lot better now and I will go for a run today and see how it goes. Should be ok. I get my contacts today also.

Yesterday while cleaning the fish tanks I sliced the end off one of my fingers. It is bandaged up thanks to Jude but I'm not sure I shall be able to mark a football with it for a couple of days. It has definitely slowed my typing down also. I'm trying to write an article for this site that is taking me ages so I stopped and wrote this mini update instead.

jethro's picture

Man's best friend

j0428506 j0406665 A dog is truly a man's best friend.
If you don't believe it, just try this experiment. 
Put your dog and your wife in the boot of the car for an hour.
When you open the boot, who is really happy to see you!


Sent to me by email - thanks Ian!

amanda's picture

Back To Basics: Flickr

flickr_logo My experience with Flickr.

It was better than I expected, there are some cool features that tempt me to be interested in bothering with Flickr that I'll mention later in this article.
My boss asked me to sign up for a Flickr account, use it, and then write about it.  So I'm in the process now of accomplishing that task. I went to the Flickr site, proceeded to sign up for an account, then it told me that I can't unless I have a Yahoo account, so it took me to do that, and then brought me back to Flickr.
So now I have a Flickr account.

Then I opened Windows Live Photo Gallery on my computer, selected publish, more services, publish on Flickr.

I feel the need to summarise my instructions.

jethro's picture

AFL Training report

tim heading ball in semi final-640 Training on Tuesday night was awesome. I couldn't wait to get there and went early. Got to meet the blokes and have a great warm up - jogging some laps and kicking some balls to loosen up. From here we went into drills and I was pleased to be one of the youngest blokes! I was not the fittest but well up there and my ball handling and kicking skills were good compared with some blokes. I am playing on Saturday night - can't wait! However the training was much lighter than I am used to, and so after I went home and iced my legs I had no discomfort. Wednesday morning I went for my run with Judith and did plenty of sit ups, step ups and stomach crunches. After we got home I had the usual massage from Helen our masseuse who worked out all the knots in my legs. I feel great.

By the way the pic is of me showing up the young fellas in a soccer match 2 years ago.

jethro's picture

Excel 2007 Conditional Formatting

Excel has made numerous changes in its conditional formatting between 2003 and 2007. Most of the new features I think are great, though there are a lot of problems with backward compatibility.

One thing I discovered this week is a trap for the unwary.

excel 2007In Excel 2003 it was easy to create a conditional format for a cell, and then copy that cell or even just the formatting for that cell to other cells, and the conditional formatting would be copied also. Of course it pays to make sure that you correctly apply absolute and relative cell references in the conditional formatting if using formulas. And using paste special or the format painter you could copy just the formatting from once cell to another - including the conditional formatting.

jethro's picture

Sports Update

AFL Tomorrow I head off to my first training night with an AFL Masters team - for 40's and over. The good news is they only play once a fortnight to allow time for injuries to heal!

I have upped the intensity of my exercise to get me tuned up. I am pushing harder in my running - yesterday I ran up the hill I normally cycle up (as my bike chain is broken) and then back down again. Was a good hard session and I lost 1.6Kgs doing it.


I have also stepped up the intensity with the Thursday night basketball crew, now running more and more fitness and skills drills before we have a half court scrimmage. The net result they have asked me to coach the basketball and volleyball teams for their school tournament in October. Today I met with school guy to get official approval for this - pending discussions should be a done deal. After that I went straight to the library and checked out some coaching youth basketball and volleyball books. Drills will be getting tougher!


I'll check in after tomorrow night's training with a report on how I am fairing there. On and a long overdue update on my thyroid - it has almost come back to normal. It appears that maybe the radioactive iodine dose I was hit with 2 years ago is finally starting to work.

Over and Out.