Not mine fortunately, though I have one laptop that I haven't been able to install the Service Pack on at all yet - will look at why later. (Update - I uninstalled the non supported language packs and then SP1 installed correctly.)
The point of this article is to provide a resource in one place of as many issues and resolutions for Vista Service Pack 1 installation problems as possible in one place. Note I will continue to add to this page as I get more information. It might pay to book mark this one using delicious or stumbleupon.
Microsoft Pages for Vista SP1
I am currently watching the Geelong v Essendon AFL match on TV. IT is being played at a frenetic pace. The comment keeps being made, "How do you shut that down?" I'm not sure what the answer is. The play on statistic is being displayed but it must be high. For those who dont follow what that means is that when a mark is made, instead of going back and kicking over the mark, the player taking the mark is either handballing immediately to another player running past him, or turning and running on himself, sometimes not even giving any respect to the player marking him. The speed with which this is being done is certainly making this a good option.
One idea I have been toying with, and it would probably take a team like Sydney Swans to pull it off is a very physical game, and possibly try and put one of these teams mentally off the idea of running on for fear of getting smashed.
I've come across 2 new technologies - both in beta for now.
The first called Xobni (inbox backwards) you can sign up for a beta - and by filling in a survey get into the priority queue. I am still waiting for my invite so I have not been able to test this yet but it looks very interesting.
Here's the blurb about it.
Xobni is the Outlook plug-in that saves you time finding email conversations, contacts and attachments.
After a quick install, you'll see the new Xobni toolbar appear in Outlook - and suddenly information will become much easier to find. When a new email arrives, the sender's full communication history appears in the Xobni sidebar, including past conversations, attachments and contact details. Xobni also includes a blazing fast email search tool.
Watch our demo video, or read below to see how Xobni improves your email productivity. Or better yet, sign up to try the beta right now.
Just a few things I have come across today.
Microsoft have announced a new tool - This a tool that lets users invite their friends from partner social networks (Facebook, Bebo, Hi5, Tagged and LinkedIn) to WindowsLive Messenger.
Thanks to the Mark Harrison for the heads up.
I invited my facebook friends and already some of them have added me.
In case of Sith, break glass and use lightsaber - Starwars themed bus stop in New York - via Geeks are Sexy.
New One Note 2007 training course for beginners via Daniel Escapa's OneNote Blog.
I read bunches of excel tips and hints from other websites and every now and again I post links and details of the best ones. Here's a few good ones I have picked up recently.
Counting number of unique entries in a specified range From ExcelTip
Counting number of unique entries in a specified range is simple by using the SUMPRODUCT and COUNT functions.
The range can be all in one column or row, or may span multiple (adjoining) columns/rows.
The formula would be written as: =SUMPRODUCT((1/COUNTIF(A1:C5,A1:C5&""))) where A1:C5 is replaced with the range you want to apply the count to.
As reported previously I was unable to get the live office connection to work for me. However after checking out the Live Workspaces Forum today I found some help - installing an update to Vista worked for me.
I will post all the instructions provided as they cannot be linked to specifically and will get lost in a long forum thread.
This was posted by Kavitha R
Sorry to hear that you are having trouble with the Office Live Add-in. Here are a few things to try to resolve the issues:
Today is my wedding anniversary - well one of 3 actually.
To explain: We had our first date on Easter Monday 1994, and were married Easter Monday 1995 which happened to be the 17th April. We had a second wedding ceremony in Australia on 23 June 1995 for the Australian friends and relatives.
So today - being Easter Monday - is the first wedding anniversary for 2008.
I have some work to do today, but once that is finished will play playstation with the kids and maybe head to a park later. Jude and I will go out to a football function on Thursday night - as a date!
I have attached a really cool pic of us - taken by my brother Jono just after we got married. click on it to see the full size photo.
There's lots of content going up on sites all over the place. I probably wont add many more on here as that is just duplication - however check my delicious Windows Home Server tag - you can subscribe to it if you want to know when I add links.
I will also add any links and information here if I install any further enhancements to the home server. However at this stage it is performing exactly how I want it, serving up videos and DVDs to our Media Centre and backing up local PCS.
Here are the links that I have tagged recently:
mHome - embedded home automation control systems - control lights, curtains etc from windows home server
HP Laptop nx6320 1GB RAM 1hr 50 mins - cleanup reclaimed ~800mb - running Vista Business
3 pcs all P4 2GB RAM ran in just under an hour - didn't check the cleanup savings - all running Vista Business.
1 laptop running Vista Ultimate refused to run the service pack as it said it didn't have right language pack (English) installed - which is bollocks but there ya go - cant argue with that. I will troubleshoot it later.
Vista 64 box not installed yet, the download of the service pack failed half way through - trying again now.
I haven't yet upgraded my main work machine - that's a job for this afternoon.
Windows Vista Blog - release notes
What to do when SP1 doesn't come down through automatic updates
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