October 2008

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Internet filters, pornography and censorship

I have written before at length about the stupidity of the government in attempting to filter the internet against pornography, or illegal content or in fact anything at all.

censor The subject of internet filtering and censorship has raised its ugly head here in Australia again. The internet and media has been buzzing in the last few days with the Rudd government’s minister for Telecommunications Stephen Conroy announcing mandatory internet filters.

This article from ZDNet with interviews from the leaders of three of Australia's largest internet service providers - Telstra Media's Justin Milne, iiNet's Michael Malone and Internode's Simon Hackett - summarises the technical legal and ethical arguments the best I have read so far.

jethro's picture

Cheese Reviews

More yummy cheese tasting reviews after the responses to the last cheese post.

LuLu – the blue cheese was from your request.


The King Island Dairy Roaring forties Blue cheese has a quite sharp taste, your definitely not overpowering. I have been eating this in sandwiches. Not crumbly yet not soft, sort of in between – a very nice smooth texture.

amanda's picture

Geek Girl Blogger - Sarah Katz

This weeks GGB has a very interesting job, and although she isn’t a frequent blogger on her personal website, perhaps being featured in the GGB series has inspired her to use her blog more often. Not that I, Amanda, have done any better. My personal blog is pretty much un-used… I still only have intentions to use it. But when I do, I’ll probably end up writing this article about my own survey! Anyhow, today we have the lovely Sarah Katz:

Name: Sarah Katz
Screen Name: @katzsarah (Twitter)
SarahKatzPersonal Blog: http://katzsarah.blogspot.com/
Social Networks: Twitter (@katzsarah), Facebook (Sarah Emily Katz), LinkedIn (http://www.linkedin.com/in/sarahemilykatz)
Current Employment: Lisa P. Maxwell (www.lisapmaxwell.com)
Location/country: Chicago, IL

What is your reason/motivation for blogging?

I usually like to post interesting links that I have found online or little blurbs about what I’m up to.

What is it that you find yourself blogging about, mostly the same stuff or does it vary?

I mostly write about the same variety of things. (Cool links, funny stories, what I’m doing during the day)

jethro's picture

Recently discovered cool tools

Here is the last lot of totally unrelated cool tools I have found.

Swiss Army Knife Business Multi Tool The Coolest Tool I have found in a while is MCEBuddy.

MCEBuddy takes your LARGE Windows Media Center television recording (and other video) files and makes them small saving you disk space.  It also removes commercials and converts your recordings into formats that are usable on other systems and handheld devices.  It does all of this automatically with a minimum of fuss and little or no technical knowledge required.

This tool just works – it is awesome!

Kitty's picture

Geek Girl Dinner 2 - Kitty's Report

The atmosphere was buzzing as I stepped into the Verve Café. It was the Girl Geek Dinners Brisbanesecond Brisbane Geek Girl Dinner, and it has grown since the last one! There were many familiar faces, and a sea of new ones. My friend Dani and I were  greeted by Bronwen when we arrived, and instinctively made our way to the bar. $5 fire engines? Who can go wrong with that? There were two long tables dedicated to Geek Girls, and the group filled both :). So we parked ourselves beside Jenine – Jenine and I go way back.

amanda's picture

Geek Girl Blogger - Kate Foy

This weeks blogger is Kate Foy from Australia! Yeah!

clip_image001Name: Kate Foy
Screen Name: Dramagirl
Personal Blog/s: http://katefoy.com - http://actorsgreenroom.net - http://expressiveplus.com/
Social Networks: 
Twitter (Dramagirl)
Facebook (Kate Foy)
Tumblr (Dramagirl)
Seesmic (Dramagirl)
Delicious (Dramagirl and Expressive Plus). I also play in other spots (Jaiku, use Digg and 12Seconds) but less so. The networks above seem to work just fine.
Current Employment: Freelance consultant and creative arts professional.
Location/country: Toowoomba, Australia.

jethro's picture

Excel Function of the Week - ROUND

The round function enables you to truncate values to the number of decimal places you desire. This could be in fractions of a whole value e.g. hundredths and thousandths of whole number, or as large numbers, e.g. rounding to the closest million or billion.

There are some very similar functions, ROUNDUP, ROUNDDOWN and MROUND. In addition there are some complimentary functions such as FLOOR and CEILING.

These functions all perform the same way with specific variations. Round follows the 4/5 round principle. That is if the number ends in 4 or lower it rounds down, and if it ends in 5 or higher it rounds up.


jethro's picture

Drupal Meetup and Website Management

Thursday night I went to my first Brisbane Drupal Meetup. It was great. There were 8 or 9 people there so most of the time was actually spend learning a little about each other (and kidding Mark about coding on reel tapes).

Jeff and Sheree and Josh from Marmalade Soul organised it. I also picked up cards from Mark, Chris, and Tony. Nick from Our Brisbane who I had already met because I am hosting and maintaining www.studybrisbane.com.au was there too. He is a real funny guy!

I had decided to present a summary of the tools and methodologies we employ here at Jethro in looking after something like 30 Drupal websites. As promised I have listed below the major tools and their uses below. This is a much bigger subject than the 10 minutes I gave to it on Thursday and I am really interested in seeing what others are doing.

ms office logo Disclaimer: Yes I live in a Microsoft world. No I do not hate Macs or open source. and yes, sometimes Microsoft products are not the best products to use. On their own. But; most of the Microsoft tools that we do use are either because they are awesome or because of their integration and synchronisation with other MS tools. They are also generally easy for new staff to learn to use.

jethro's picture

Microsoft Security Bulletin MS08-067 - Critical

Microsoft released an extraordinary security patch yesterday.

security Microsoft Security Bulletin MS08-067 – Critical

Vulnerability in Server Service Could Allow Remote Code Execution (958644)

Published: October 23, 2008

Seeing as Microsoft only release patches once a month, this is totally unexpected, and indicates the critical nature of the flaw. One surmises that there are already hackers and other criminals already exploiting this flaw.

There are lots of details in the MS08-067 bulletin and there is starting to be a fair bit of chatter on the tubes about it – see this from Nick MacKechnie for example where he points to the Security Vulnerability Research and Defense blog.

We emailed all our clients and suggested they patch immediately, or invite us to remotely connect to them and manage that for them.

jethro's picture

What do you hate most?