I have learnt the hard way over many years ways of speeding up VBA code. Mostly these lessons have come from necessity – the old “go and have a cup of coffee while it runs” comment doesn’t always endear your code to the customer. We have in the past written thousands of lines of code that sometimes takes minutes or even 10s of minutes to run.
Some of the quicker ways to speed things up are in turning off things in excel like calculation, screen updating and the like. Others involve using arrays in code to handle slabs of data and manipulate them in code before returning the results back to the spreadsheet. Others are little things like not selecting ranges etc before using them.
Chad Rothschiller has written a great article on Excel VBA Performance Coding Best Practices going through all these items and explaining how to optimise your code for efficiency. These are beginning tasks. There are certainly lot more complex ways to deal with some of these things but for anybody who started writing VBA by using the record macro function, as I did way back in the early 90’s these tips certainly allow you to speed up some of the very inefficient code that that method creates.
I have highlighted some of them here and added some additional notes.
My mother pointed me to an interesting article the other day, titled Keep the Fast, Keep the Feast by Peter Leithart who blogs at www.leithart.com.
Over the centuries, Christians have fasted for many reasons. Sometimes the reasons have been good. The apostles and their churches fasted and prayed before selecting elders or ordaining missionaries. Christians have fasted in mourning for their sins. They have fasted and prayed to combat demons and to plead with God for relief from disaster.
Often, of course, they have fasted for bad reasons. They fasted because they believed flesh was evil, because they felt desperately guilty and forgot God’s love in sending his Son to cleanse their sins, because they wanted God to notice how wonderfully pious they were.
In spite of errors and abuses, Christians in the past had sound intuitions about the centrality of fasting in the Christian life. In the early Church, fasting was not an isolated practice reserved for a day or a season. It was a clue to all Christian living, a perspective on the whole of discipleship. To be a Christian meant to participate in a great feast. It meant also to observe a great fast.
I was interested enough to read on and found some real gems.
Sometimes i get time to wait – whether its waiting for a code procedure to run, files to upload or staff to complete a task. Often its easier to wait then it is to star al alternate jhob. Sometimes I multitask but this depends on what the other task is also and whether it can be left easily to come back tot he main one. Often I write emails.
Today I am publishing some links to interesting information on the web while waiting for a staff member to debug his code that I am checking. (Thanks Nick!)
Amit writes two tutorials for IE8; one titled How to Write an IE8 Web Slice for WordPress Blogs and the other titled Turn your RSS Feed into a Web Slice for Internet Explorer 8
I followed the instructions and have set up a webslice for SpyJournal. You can do the same.
My friend John’s dad passed away today. John has written some memories and tributes.
Joe has posted a review of the Samsung Instinct phone – looks very nice.
Check this video out. The Geeks are Sexy site has linked a video from [H] showing a .50 cal Amour Piercing Incendiary being shot at 18 hard drives. The bullet sticks in the 17th drive.
Google chrome is the least likely browser to be hacked. I am going to switch out from Firefox on all the kids PCS straight away. I have been using Chrome since it was released and love it.
Australian TV viewers using ICETV EPG this is an important notice regarding the new Digital Channel ONE HD.
Ada Lovelace Day is an international day of blogging to draw attention to women excelling in technology.
Women’s contributions often go unacknowledged, their innovations seldom mentioned, their faces rarely recognised. We want you to tell the world about these unsung heroines. Entrepreneurs, innovators, sysadmins, programmers, designers, games developers, hardware experts, tech journalists, tech consultants. The list of tech-related careers is endless.
The Finding Ada blog set up a pledge process to find 1,000 people to publish articles on women who have excelled in IT and are role models for other women in the industry and for those thinking of starting careers in IT.
A while back Tim and I pledged that we would write an article about a woman in technology that we admire and publish it on the 24th of March 2009.. due to some technical difficulties we will be publishing that article on the 26th instead! So please do come and read our article once it’s published - and we are sorry for the delay.
Read about the pledge at www.pledgebank.com/AdaLovelaceDay
And once again clearing my browser of all the interesting tabs I opened this week. Not many – I have been working too hard on deadlines!
IE8 has been released and being rolled out. I have been using the beta and RC1 for months. Time to get the real thing now. Download IE8 now.
The Windows Experience Blog has some page load time tests for IE8 versus Firefox and Chrome.
Embed your live calendar on your website or blog. Sarah Perez posts a how to.
Sarah also posts on the instructions to setup POP3 for hotmail – now available worldwide.
Some interesting comments over at Daily Dose of Excel about the future of VBA.
Doug posts up a cool excel window minimise /maximise animation piece of VBA.
Doug shows off a portable wireless hotspot in a backpack.
The Technium posts a treatise on the concept of building a fan base of 1,000 true fans in order to generate a living. There is a follow up with some reality checks on depending on True Fans.
Live side gives us Face book comes to Windows Live Frameit Power Toy.
This weeks GGB, Johanna Baker-Dowdell is an excellent writer and has been highly praised for the work she does through her business – Strawberry Communications. On top of that she manages her job/responsibility of being a mum bringing up two kids.. an inspiration to many I’m sure! Please read her survey/profile below and check out her websites.
Name: Johanna Baker-Dowdell
Screen Name’s: JohBD or JohannaBD
Personal Blog’s: http://strawberrycommunications.com.au/blog/ and http://members.essentialbaby.com.au/index.php?showforum=246
Social Networks:
~Twitter: http://twitter.com/JohannaBD
~Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=865370354&ref=profile
~LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/johannabakerdowdell
Current Employment: Director of my writing and public relations business Strawberry Communications and mum to two boys (almost three and six weeks)
Location/country: Wamberal, NSW, Australia
This is a “real” blog post. Doesn’t feel that way yet? That’s cos I am still rambling. Or is that why it is a real blog post? Maybe this has something to do with the fact that it is the absolutely unheard hour of 6:30am and I was awake at 5:30 and have consumed a very nice coffee and am buzzing!
So lets deal with the facts involved here. First off the screen door slamming about 3 metres from head while I was asleep and in the middle of a strange confused dream where I was involved in counter terrorist warfare including a shootout in a barn where I stopped bullets matrix slow motion style using a leather cushion and then encourage the last remaining terrorist to shoot himself so I could rescue the civilian hostage (predictably a woman) rudely awoke me. Particularly as that was followed up with scratching sounds on the door. I went to the door with my big stick (kept beside my bed) and found a gecko on the inside: conclusion neighbours cat (that I daydream about sending to cat heaven) was chasing the gecko and leaped at the door slamming it shut.
Hey there GGB readers, here’s this weeks GGB – Talia Carbis - from Queensland, Australia!
Name: Talia Carbis Screen Name’s: Sunshinetalia, taliacarbis
Personal Blog’s: http://taliacarbis.com and http://elearningaustralia.net.au/blog
Social Networks:
~Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sunshinetalia/
~Twitter: http://twitter.com/Sunshinetalia
~Delicious: http://www.delicious.com/Sunshinetalia
~Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=688565590
~Tumblr: http://taliacarbis.tumblr.com
~StumbleUpon: http://sunshinetalia.stumbleupon.com
~last.fm: http://www.last.fm/user/SunshineTalia
~Deviant Art: http://sunshinetalia.deviantart.com/
Current Employment: eLearning Developer for eLearning Australia
Location/country: Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia
I blog to keep track of things I've learnt, to connect with friends, to make new friends, and to share solutions to problems I've had- both online and in 'real life'.
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