Its my birthday

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jethro's picture

And as happens once a year I look back and forward. Back to the first year of being 40 and realising that it wasn’t the beginning of the end at all. Playing AFL again was great, the cycling and running is still happening, though not quite as hard as before and I can still show the youngsters a thing or two there, and coaching basketball and volleyball has been fantastic.

I think part of the reason I am hanging out with the young guys and girls so much at the moment is because there is virtually no one my age keen to have a go. Most of the Dads and people I know round my age are sedentary. Sad really. I am organising cycling trips, rock climbing and hiking events, playing basketball and volleyball and these guys just sit there and say things like”Where do you get your energy from?” and “I wish I could keep up with you”. Well the answer is – You can! join me – if you dare. I have a couple of mates who comes when they can and go as hard as I can push them. Dave is one of those. He hates me and loves me at the same time. Here is a video of him finishing a very punishing ride we did on Monday.


Before looking forward to the future the present is pretty cool too. We did my birthday dinner and presents last night as tonight I will be at indoor soccer. I got some cool presents – and the awesomest of cards.

IMG_2897 Here’s a pic of the presents from my daughters.

Mercedes gave me a socket set, Erin gave me a crystal angel, Jadeen a new belt – much needed – and Miranda gave me a whistle with a compass and thermometer built in.

The cards the three younger girls made were awesome.




IMAGE_061 Mercedes drew me some mice and birds.


Erin drew me flowers and I Love My Daddy.


Jadeen drew me hearts and roses and a message of love. Miranda made me baklava! Yum. That girl knows the way to my heart. She copied her mum who made the yummiest fried chicken and cheesy mashed spuds ever (no plastic fantastic instant stuff here Doug!)




So looking forward. I was talking to a friend yesterday about planning for the future. That starts now in the present. I want to have awesome relationships with my daughters when they are 16-20 and as they mature into young adults and look for husbands. The planning for that starts now. “In fact we have been planning for that for several years now. By planning I mean we are using words and phrases, establishing family traditions, planting seeds of affirmation and love and encouragement in our daughters that we can fall back on when tough times come. We are pro-actively ensuring that the girls will want to hang out with mum and dad, ask for and listen to their advice when they go through those tough times that as young adults they will have.

As a husband I enjoy spending time with my wife and best friend Judith. Without her I would be less than the man I am. I want to grow old with her and watch her get all wrinkly and be able to laugh and enjoy watching her face crinkle with pleasure at me being with her and loving her.

In business I am working hard to ensure that what I am building can live beyond me. Numerous parts now can operate with minimal input and generate income. From 10 years ago when we had a single income to now when we have dozens of separate non related income streams I am working hard to ensure that my family will have money to live on after I die. (Not counting the big life policy!)

And last but not least spiritually. My growth the last 12 months has been very stimulating. I have definitely moved closer to God. I am actively working out strategies to be an anchorman in my families spiritual ancestry. I have had to rely more on Him in business and church life in the last 12 months than ever before. Looking forward I aim to become more like Christ everyday. Sure that’s an up and down process, but like to I think the overall direction is up. Time will tell.


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Jono's picture

And a Happy Birthday to you

And a Happy Birthday to you Tim
nice look back and forward
good evaluation
I'm sure Judes was thrilled about the all wrinkly bit - lol
Keep Looking Up