Hooray! Drupal 6 has been released. Digg is going crazy and the drupal.org site seems to be under some pressure! However I was able to download it easily. Now to install in a test server and start playing testing.
Dries Buytaert linked to where Greg Knaddison has prepared a screencast displaying the new features. If you can't be bothered watching that then check out my short list below.
Some of the new features include:
I finally got around to building a new banner for my website.
Spy Journal 1.0 didn't have a banner - except for orange and text.
Spy Journal 2.0 had customised banners for each of the personal, tech, excel and blog websites. Actually they were the same banner but some CSS allowed different colours to show as a margin on each banner.
So yesterday I used some photoshop skillz and put together the banner thats here now. Do you like it? Is it an improvement on previous ones? Let me know what you think.
Getting Live Writer to play nicely with Drupal wasn't as easy as it seemed. When following the default setup all I was able to do was get the blog to connect. That meant I couldn't create other types of content (images, polls, pages etc) from Live Writer. I use the page content type for my non blog related posts, as I have family and friends etc who only want to read the personal blog entries and don't want all the technical guff I stick on here appearing in their RSS readers.
After a bit of Googling I found this comment on the Drupal website
Here are my revised instructions:
COLOURlovers is a resource that monitors and influences colour trends. It's really useful for those who use colour whether it be advertising, product design, etc. Great for checking out colours, palettes, articles and interviews.
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