I am speaking at the Big Morning 4 Your Business Free business seminar Thursday 29th May.
I am presenting on two topics:
Stop Your Website Sending Your Customers to Your Competition
Move Your Business to the Cloud Cost-Effectively
The event is a caffeine-injected morning of FREE interactive business development sessions giving you the tools and contacts to grow your business in ONE big hit! (hope that means good coffee!)
Put on by the Regional Development Australia – Moreton Bay Group the morning is:
Time for a link dump from my browser – clearing out tabs.
How to Create a Portfolio with Evernote (Education Series) – Evernote is an awesome app – We use it all the time on various android and windows platforms.
Building trust - The Connection Constant
Want to build a online store? Choosing a payment gateway
Facebook – how to convert your personal account into a Facebook Page - for all those people who created a “person” for their business page.
More how to convert Facebook profiles into business pages including tricks and traps
Configuring and adding images to Drupal 7 content with Wysiwyg, IMCE and Lightbox2 – very good tutorial
Probably the best explanation of using INDEX function for non volatile dynamic range creation in Excel
There will be lots coming on Windows 8 on this blog later – for now heres a very good read about how Windows 8 can pool data storage
Realities of Business is a new website by a great friend to promote his new book. Worth a read! Buy it now!
Two local photographers worth checking out.
BuzzGrowl is a pretty cool plugin that's very easy to install on any website. It creates a floating bottom right corner box that searches for and displays social media commentary about the site you are on. It provides easy ways for people to see the commentary about your site and participate by sharing on Facebook, tweeting or retweeting others comments.
I was able to install it in under 5 minutes, its a simple script that needs to be added to your page. Get your script from BuzzGrowl.
Here's some of what people have been saying about it:
BuzzGrowl is a premium answer to onsite social media engagement. If you're a small blog, you'll love it. - Brad McCarty, Editor, TheNextWeb
Many site owners will be interested in using [Buzz Growl]. Website publishers will love it. - Marshall Kirkpatrick, Co-Editor, ReadWriteWeb
And here is a video about it.
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