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Tons of useful links

Today I am focussed on clearing out my browser from all the interesting things sitting there. No real organisation to this post – its just a link dump.

And I will leave you with some of my best photos from the Triathlon.

IMG_7426-1600 IMG_7611-1600 IMG_7444 bandw-1600 IMG_7444 colour-1600  IMG_7615-1600 IMG_7635-1600 IMG_7766-1600 IMG_7678-1600 IMG_7869-1600 IMG_7945-1600 IMG_8043-1600 IMG_8104-1600 IMG_8117-1600 IMG_8141-1600 2010-04-11 Tre-X 086-1600 2010-04-11 Tre-X 105-1600

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Random stuff - and politics

What ever you do or don’t like about the Rudd Government (or is that the Labour Government? We tend to blur these things, but we shouldn’t) this little story should give you some insight into the man Kevin Rudd. Now lets see if he follows through!

Update - the group 78 people were forcible evicted.

Mollom – the Drupal spam management system created by the creator of Drupal Dries Buytaert - has blocked 100 Million spams. We use it here but recently its been letting a few through on the comment system. so our apologies for that.

Robin Good reviews GoogleWave – article written by John Blossom

Windows 7 Media Centre background can be changed and more here

Jenine’s write up of the latest Girl Geek Dinner – with my piccies.

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Web Round Up

IMG_5336-800 Today’s list of cool tools and weird things is brought to you by – well actually just me. But Kitty can hold her iPhone next to her Dell Laptop showing that she loves both PC and Apple. and yes pink is her favourite colour!

Lets start off with some Microsoft Technologies

Amit has written a good how to article explaining How to Insert Images in a Word Document without Embedding

john has written about his ongoing OneNote testing as part of the OneNote development team in at Microsoft. Interesting stuff. We love OneNote here – its our primary team communication tool (after Outlook) and we use Livemesh to synchronise our shared notebooks with our team spread around the world.

www.ferrari.com is written using Sharepoint Designer (now being offered for free) and is published with a Sharepoint Backend. Awesome! I like the 612 Scaglietti best.

Philip writes Exchange Integrated Outlook – Recovering Deleted Items. A good detailed how to.


Weird and wonderful

Cake Wrecks has some photos of awesome cake decorating – Stargate style!

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Security vulnerabilities announced in Microsoft Excel and Drupal

Security vulnerabilities were announced today in Microsoft Excel and also in Drupal.

IMGP7005-800 See the Official MS security advisory (968272), and the explanation by ars technica.

Our advice for now would be to be EXTREMELY careful when opening any Excel spreadsheet, Word document or PowerPoint file that is emailed to you. Rule of thumb – if you don’t know the person who set you a file (any file) NEVER open it. If you weren’t expecting the file from someone you do know then email or call them and ask them if they sent you it and if so what it is BEFORE opening it. I trust that MS will release the appropriate patch shortly.

The Drupal security vulnerabilities have been announced on the Drupal website and upgrades and patches released for both version 5 and 6.

For our Jethro Consultants Web hosting customers this means an immediate patch for those who are on maintenance contracts with us, and for those who are not they pay us by the hour to apply. We get to those as soon as we can. We are also busy upgrading our own websites.