On the 28th of August 2008, about two weeks ago, Tim and I attended the Girl Geek Dinner in Brisbane which was held at a Turkish restaurant.
The food was amazing!! It was worth going that night just for the food, seriously. But, besides the food, it was really interesting to spend that time with other women who are also involved in computer related work. Some people showed up already knowing other people there, others showed up not knowing anyone… it was interesting to observe the different ways everyone interacted with one another. We’re all so different! I was pretty quiet, but I wasn’t afraid to make conversation with other people, I actually enjoyed talking to some of the other girls during the night. However different from me, some ladies were quite loud and outgoing. Some ladies moved around and talked to most of the girls who showed up, whereas others stayed in their own seat the whole night and just talked with the girls sitting near them. But either way, everyone seemed to really enjoy themselves and I’m certain everyone loved the food.
Name: Catherine Eibner
Screen Name: ceibner
Personal Blog’s: http://www.cybner.com.au/, http://wpmu.thepodcastnetwork.com/geekgirlblogs/
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Current Employment: Director of Cybner : Cybner is a Microsoft Certified Partner for Microsoft Dynamics. We specialise in CRM implementation & customisation, with a unique focus on Integrating CRM with underlying Line of Business applications. The Cybner team works with our clients to gain efficiencies through reviewing current business processes & systems, addressing issues & bottlenecks and developing long term internal training & skills development plans for their teams.
Location/country: Sydney Australia
Last night aManda and I went to the inaugural Brisbane Geek Girl Dinner. It was lots of fun!. 19 girls and 3 blokes is a good ratio!.
I took lots of photos – all up on flickr, and aManda will do a longer write up later.
Name: Lori MacVittie
Screen Name: Lori MacVittie (I don't use pen names/pseudonyms) Personal Blog’s:
The Application Delivery Network -(http://www.theapplicationdeliverynetwork.com)
Two Different Socks - (http://devcentral.f5.com/weblogs)
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Current Employment: Technical Marketing Manager @ F5 Networks
Location/country: Green Bay, WI
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