Hey there readers of Geek Girl Blogger!
This Thursday night (28th August) Tim and myself will be attending a Geek Girl Dinner in Brisbane.
We are looking forward to meeting a large new range of female bloggers. I personally am looking forward to seeing some bloggers in real life. Proof that they really do exist. All we know about them is what they write ... online ... what if they’re robots? What if they’re not actually girls? It could all just be a lie. So, to see them in real life and interact with them over a meal should be rather interesting. I will report back after this insane event. However if you never read another article by me again... assume the worst. It probably means it turned out they weren’t really what they seemed... aliens perhaps! I’m prepared for anything!
Geek girls… out.
Name: Rebecca Bollwitt
Screen Name: Miss604
Personal Blog: www.miss604.com
Social Networks: Flickr, Friendfeed, Twitter, Pownce, Facebook Current Employment: Self employed: Senior Partner, sixty4media
Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada
It started off as a passion for writing about the region and sharing my local knowledge including a love of history. Combine that with my technical background and my love of all things social media and I have managed to turn blogging into a full time job, which in itself motivates me more and more each day.
Miss604.com is focused on my life in Vancouver, which involves unconferences, meetups, walks in the park and hockey games, among other things.
I try to use at least one photo with each post, I find it's easier to tell a story that way believe it or not. I also try to incorporate short video clips usually max 90 seconds (Flickr video size).
In 1997 I started an online fan site for my favourite band at the time, using Netscape Communicator and I was instantly hooked on HTML. From there my passion for all things web grew and saw me dabbling in online audio, streaming and editing until I was hired at the world's largest webcaster of financial audio. This career move, based on my digital media hobbies at the time, lead me to Boston where I oversaw online production (the recording, editing, encoding and live streaming of audio).
A note from Tim: Susan Bradley AKA the “SBS Diva”, has been an amazing help to our business with her awesome willingness to assist every time I have had a question about SBS 2003. She has provided information, links to help pages and forums, hot fixes and even posted me a SBS 2003 Best Practices book for free. She well and truly deserves the MPV recognition from Microsoft for her contribution to the SBS community. We’re excited to present her profile today.
Name: Susan Bradley.
Screen Name: Susan (boring, I know). Also known as the SBS Diva.
Personal Blog: www.msmvps.com/blogs/bradley Social Networks: While I am part of www.linkedin.com and www.facebook.com there are still times that I go, do I really call some of these folks friends? Social networks have to build off the social part first and foremost. Twitter is one that I watch other twitterers but my "fake" twitter is actually run by Vlad Mazek (www.vladville.com). He actually twitters better than I would -- check out www.twitter.com/susanbradley
Current Employment: CPA, Network Admin, Forensic specialist
Location: Fresno, CA, USA
This weeks GGB is Jen Myers from the US of A… her survey is below.
Name: Jen Myers
Screen Name/s: deliberatepixel, antiheroine Personal Blog/s: deliberatepixel.com; I'm also one of the bloggers behind skepchick.org, a community of bloggers interested in rational and critical thinking with a feminist slant.
Social Networks: I think I'm on virtually every social network out there, but I use Twitter and Facebook the most.
Current Employment: Web Designer
Location/country: Columbus, OH, US
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