This week we are featuring for the first time a profile of one of our Geek Girl Bloggers.
Name: Allison Reynolds
Screen Name/s: Allison - AllisonR - Gramyre
Personal blog/s: and
Social Networks: Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Seesmic, Flickr, UStream, friendfeed.
Other websites she is active in at times: deviantART, JustinTV.
Current Employment: A manager for a large multinational IT company.
Location: Australia
"I blog for several reasons - To make my online and offline projects public so I am accountable for their results, people seem to love watching other people "do" things. I blog because I have Multiple Sclerosis and writing keeps the neural pathways developing (use it or lose it!). And I blog because I like expressing myself in the medium, kind of like modern story telling, but making the truth sound interesting so that the people who read my blog get something out of it."
A couple of weeks ago Tim gave me a project to write a piece about geek girls. This has rapidly turned into a marathon effort.
The general story is we are looking at the two apparent types of geek girls, those who use their gender of girlness to blog in the geek world, and those geeks who just happen to be girls.
We were initially just going to link to some sites of examples but now feel that we would get much more mileage from interviewing some geek girls. So far at least 5 have agreed and we are hoping for some more.
What we really wanted to get at is the heart of the blogger in question. Why do they blog the way they do, how do they see themselves in the world of geeks?
In this version of SpyJournal (its the third website I have had) there have been some stand out blog posts. Here is the list of the top 10 all time favourite posts:
Excel 2007 Conditional Formatting
Microsoft Releases Word 2007 Viewer for Reading docx Documents (written by Lena)
How we use technology at work, school and play
Expelled the Movie - No Intelligence Allowed
A blog hero contest has been announced on the BlogHer website.
Here's how AnITGirl announces it:
Announcing the “Who’s Your BlogHer Hero?” contest. In a nutshell, here’s how this is going to go down…I quote from the official rules when I say that we’re looking for “a blogger that has made an impact in the life of women and how that blog inspires passion, innovation and ability to inspire a community.” Said blogger can be male or female, btw. The nominator will send in a 100 word essay on why this person is worthy of being the BlogHer hero, and a team of judges will pick one blogger to award an awesome prize to. The prize in question is a trip for 2 to BlogHer in San Francisco this summer.
Check all the rules on the blog her site and then nominate yourself or someone you know.
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