I have been having some trouble with comment spam lately. We use Mollom, a great ser vice that works well with Drupal and stops most spam. However some spammers are getting more clever – and at the same time very stupid. They are putting more realistic comments in and getting past the text analysis – but as there are no links allowed they are kind of stupid. The comment doesn't gain them anything – just fills my comments with rubbish.
So now all anonymous comments require approval – and I can bulk delete the time wasters spam. If you have a legitimate comment to make – and you are encouraged to do so – either log in to make it, or realise that it will go into my approval queue for checking.
So to all my legitimate readers and commenters – thanks for participating. And to all the spammers go away – there's nothing for you here!
Thanks for reading.
i just hat spams i think that
i just hat spams i think that the person who invented that is dum i have a computer and that recenty had a spam and i just hate it becouse i know cant use it and i think thats not fair