I just had to write of some of the awesome things that have been happening around here. This blog has been a little empty of late - and that's partly because of the new business taking up time, the photography business kicking along and just the sheer business of life. But some things have been happening that are connected in ways that are amazing giving me cause to write this article. The photo here was taken Sunday afternoon as a planned shoot for a connected human or a cyborg theme. In this case the two people are totally connected and entangled in the cables and trappings of computer hardware. It was a very interesting concept to put together and shoot and the whole team had a great amount of fun doing it.
Lets start with Sunday - the beginning of the week. For just over a year now our church has been searching for a new pastor after the leaving of the last one. Sunday the search ended with the pastor the search committee and the leadership recommended being accepted by the church. At the conclusion of that meeting we had a BBQ lunch and I was able to share with the church first the little miracle that took place where god miraculously provided the two trays of sliced bread we needed for that lunch. I used that as an example to show how Gods care for us in even the little things is an example of his absolute care for us in all things. Stressing and having anxiety over things in our life is wrong, hurtful and unhealthy.
Monday night home group I was sharing with the guys about this along with some other things from 1 John 2:1-11 and we were talking about how God makes his ways known to us in the most bizarre of circumstances, and how can we know that? By understanding the truth from this little verse, one of my favourites James 1:17 which says in part that God is the father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. In other words - he doesn't change his mind, his attitude, his disposition towards us, his morals, his love etc. The actual quote James uses is from a very interesting passage in Numbers 23:19 where Balaam is being asked by Balak to curse the Israelites and he makes this very interesting statement - as a direct word from God:
“God is not a man, that He should lie,
Nor a son of man, that He should repent.
Has He said, and will He not do?
Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?
Now that's a cool passage - read the whole story - very interesting - it even includes the only recorded instance of an animal talking to a human.
Too often we apply human attributes and traits to God, and that is false. He is not like a man who changes his mind like his dirty shirt. He says and He does.
Fast forward to Friday morning when I am writing this. This week has been about looking for new accommodation as the current place we are living in is going to be sold and we have been given two months to find a new place. As we are looking at places and the clock is ticking inexorably on there is the sense of rising panic - of increasing anxiety - and that is the natural human response. The great thing is finding the peace to pass that whole problem over to God to manage and then resting in the faith and hope that he will manage. if he could supply two trays of sliced bread ahead of time when needed then he can supply a house. Period.
Exciting times!
Thanks for writing that, Tim.
Thanks for writing that, Tim. Yes, our Father continually wants us to trust Him - and He wants to stre-e-e-tch our faith!
Praying for you all,
Much Love,
Good word Tim! Love to ear
Good word Tim! Love to ear news from home...keep up the blog mate.