December 2007

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jethro's picture

Excel Slow? It may be the Google Desktop application causing it.

Has your Excel application slowed down lately? Have you installed the Google Desktop Application?

They may be related. Dick from Daily Dose of Excel reports this article taken from Charles Williams web page.

This report comes from Charles Williams of fame. Charles knows a thing or two about performance in Excel.

For the last few weeks I have been trying to find out
why clearing a large range of cells caused Excel to hang on some PCs
but not on others. This does not happen with Excel 97, but does with
Excel 2000, 2002, 2003 and 2007.

jethro's picture

Real Live Preacher Maintenance Gig

I have just been asked by Gordon from Real Live Preacher to handle all the technical maintenance and management of his website. Seeing as his site is getting over 3000 unique hits a day that's a responsible job! I have been talking this possibility over with him for several weeks now and am very pleased he has come to us. We plan to do an excellent job - of course. Hi Gordon :)

rlp will announce the news officially on his site tomorrow, though he gave a teaser today.

The funniest thing was that within hours of his emailing me (while I was asleep) the site broke, so my first email of the day was his acceptance and 2 emails up was his cry for help! With the help of my techie Rohan, we solved that one quick smart and are now planning the major job of upgrading his site to the most recent version of drupal. 

jethro's picture

My Most Memorable Christmas - well one of them anyway

Here's a little known story about me. I used to live in New Zealand. Specifically in a little sleepy seaside town called Motueka. We even had our own "resort", a beach side caravan park at Kaiteriteri beach. There was a general store, petrol station, boat wash, bait and ice, tea rooms and fish and chip and ice cream counters. I worked there three summers in a row. I actually had a full time job but I used to work there while on my paid vacation. It helped defray the costs of the holiday - petrol money travel, food and drink etc.

I don't even remember exactly which year this was, but it would have been somewhere between 1988 and 1993. At the time I owned a Hillman Avenger. In fact I purchased it explicitly for the holiday - I think I swapped $700 for it. It was a bit of a scrubber, but it went ok.

jethro's picture

Challenge for the day

I have just picked up the management of a fairly high profile drupal blog, and its broke!

Challenge = do everything else I was supposed to do today and fix that! At least I have a good techie to help. 

jethro's picture

Social Networks I use and recommend

Following is a list of the social networks I participate in. Feel free to check my profiles out, add me as a friend in your network, join them etc.

Face book






jethro's picture

Mobile Computing

Technology is amazing. We can utilise the tech tools available to us these days in remarkable ways.

I am currently sitting in a train listening to music on my Zen while writing this blog post on my tablet PC using a digital pen.

I have just finished reviewing notes for a client workshop I am heading into the city to. First I opened my email & opened some excel files to review some settings & details we are going to be discussing. Second I copied the meeting agenda to One Note so I will be able to make notes as we go in the workshop. Third I printed my quote for the work to be done from a PDF attached to an email to OneNote so I can easily refer to it in the meeting. Finally I opened Windows Live Writer to compose this blog post. It will get published as soon as I get back online.

jethro's picture

Colds suck

I have a cold.

Productivity is decreased.

I have deadlines.

Colds suck. 

jethro's picture

Weekend Poll - Which OS is better, Vista or Leopard?

Lena's picture

Fix Your Broken iPod

Did you know that a simple piece of paper fixes 70% of failed iPods? Stephen Ironside, a student at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville once faced a modern problem that his iPod that had filled his life with music had stopped working. As it was out of warranty he put it away until one day he read on a blog that it could be fixed with a small folded piece of paper.
As neighbourhood repair shops have disappeared, fixit websites have developed to fill this gap. Peter Wayner has written an article on this phenomenon. Some of these websites focus around questions that are answered by anyone who has faced a similar problem, those who offer advice are rated on the quality of that advice. Other sites offer repair services and sell replacement parts.

Lena's picture

Upload Images to from the Desktop

Yahoo has recently released new uploader software that allows you to organise upload pictures to your Flickr account right from the desktop. You can easily add titles, tags, set privacy options or arrange your pictures in Flickr sets while staying offline. It even allows you to add more jobs to the queue while processing another bath of photographs. Pretty impressive!