December 2007

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Lena's picture

Syncing OneNote to to SharePoint

If you have a OneNote notebook on SharePoint with some of these errors:

  • An 'infobar' appears at the top of the page in OneNote saying you don't have permission to sync to that section file
  • You may have failed to create a new notebook on that SharePoint location
  • You may have failed to open the notebook

Check out David Rasmussen's Blog for a few answers to these problems.

jethro's picture

Ripped from one world to the next - Bhutto assassinated

In an act of cowardly violence, the charismatic former Prime Minister of Pakistand was violently assassinated on Thursday. Bhutto was apparently shot and then a bomb blast ripped through the crowd of her supportrers leaving people dead and wounded. The New York Times has a photo montage worth of Bhutto before her death and the aftermath of the explosion watching. It left me with a sense of horror at the absolute ruthlenssness, and lack of humanity, of the souls who planned, coordinated and executed such a cowardardly act. I can only assume that a suicide bobmber can tationalise this action because he doens.t have to live with the consequences of his actions. No normal, sane person could rip bodies apart deliberately and not have nightmares.

jethro's picture

How to Use Google Reader with Firefox for RSS feeds


Following is the edited text from a conversation with my sister helping her set up RSS feeds for our family blogs. Maybe it will help you.


Jethro the santa (hes not real!) claus says (1:32 AM):

do u have a Gmail account?

u have blogger so I guess you do actually

go to

login there

in Firefox when you go to a website with an rss feed you can click on it and it will give you the option to add to Google reader automatically

u may need to set it up in the options in Firefox

go to tools and options

then feeds

choose the default application for reader

I use Google reader

yahoo is just as good

means they can be read anywhere - not tied to a computer

just need to login

Rufus says (1:35 AM):

Lena's picture

The Search Machine - Registry Software Key Retrieval

You've got a legal copy, installed and activated. Then your machine goes and blows up on you and you have to install it again. Where's the product key? If your anything like me it probably went out in the rubbish some time ago.
The Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder is a freeware utility that retrieves your Product Key (cd key) used to install windows from your registry. It has the options to copy the key to clipboard, save it to a text file, or print it for safekeeping. It works on Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Windows Vista, Office XP, Office 2003, and Office 2007.

Source, Doug Klippert

jethro's picture

Time Off - and On Again - Christmas 07 Summary

I took Christmas and Boxing day off - kind of.

I didn't actually "work", but I did have to stay near the PC. Thanks to a web server crashing Christmas Eve.

At least I didn't have to think about coding.

We did have a fun couple of days though. Christmas Day started early, as it always does with kids. Mind you they got the house cleaned and their own breakfast while we "slept in". Then it was onto breakfast, pancakes with maple syrup and cream and toasted croissants with ham and cheese.

Present time was preceded by the original Christmas story, found in Genesis 3 when God foretold the coming of Christ as a cure for Sin.

The kids got some smaller presents from each other, presents from grandparents, and then from us some large presents for all of them; a digital camera and a portable DVD player.

Lena's picture


Check out the ShareThis Widget and sign up for free

jethro's picture

Server Down for Christmas Present

Our main web server failed on Christmas Eve. I sent an emergency SMS to the techs and they started work right away. It took 30 hours to fix! A raid controller card failed on the server and once it was replaced the entire raid array had to be rebuilt.

This site only came backup about 5 minutes ago. 

Thanks goodness the techs were available to work on Christmas day - I am, so thankful to them for that! 

jethro's picture

Death by Tray - Darth Vader goes for lunch

This is hilarious - Darth Vader goes to the deathstar canteen for lunch, done with lego.

Unfortunately not suitable for kids, a couple of swear words, but in context.

I laughed out loud!

jethro's picture

Christmas Lights

We went for a tour of the Christmas Lights near our place the other day, check out my photos on Flickr. I think these guys are insane, but at least they create something for us to enjoy and the kids love it - cheap entertainment!

While you are in the mood check out these amazing lights - 110,000 feet of electrical cable and over 40,000 lights.

Lena's picture


Particls is a free RSS solution that will filter out your RSS items for you. Particles tracks your favourite sites, topics and apps and ranks them for you. Good posts stream into the sidebar and great posts have an alert.

We are using Particls to track the keywords that pop up in news articles on the web. Things like Gadgets, Excel, Web 2.0, PC Games and the like. Particles helps us filter out the crap and bring the good stuff to you.

Oh and Tim has met the creators of Particls too!