Well, what an interesting topic. To be honest I find it quite difficult to remember all of these sorts of things. But I am going to attempt to write about what I've learnt about HTML so far and how I 'think' it works.
The other day Tim gave me a very basic lesson on how to go about creating a website. Here goes what I can remember from that lesson.
HTML...................................................... HTML......................................HTML..................................................
For starters, html stands for "Hyper Text Mark-up Language". Praise the Lord for google (couldn't remember what the m part stands for).
So what is that? hyper text mark-up language?
Fantastic definition for HTML is found at this site - http://www.webdeveloper.com/html/beginners_html.html
It told me this.....
Two good friends of ours, Jemimah and Esther Gollan, were baptised on Sunday in a public ceremony at the beach.
Their father John is also the pastor of their church, and he gave an excellent talk about how baptism was like drawing a line in the sand, and stepping over it. The girls had previously given their testimonies in church, along with the others being baptised.
I took a couple of hundred photos. There are a bunch of the good ones in my flickr account. Here is just a small sample for you to enjoy. Click the thumbnails to see the larger pictures.
Huge breaking news for all Home Theatre lovers, Microsoft X-Box 360 and Playstation 3 owners, DVD movie purchasers and of course the retailers.
HD DVD is dead! Long live the Blu-Ray!
Sony and the Blu-ray High Definiton format has won the latest "VHS v Betamax" fight.
The headlines are starting to roll out in the news stories, Microsoft pulls out after Toshiba concedes race to Sony, etc. Just do a google news search for HD DVD or Blu-ray.
In our case it means we are even less likely to own a Xbox 360 as we are to buy a PS3.
Excel uses a powerful vector system for managing formulas. Each cell can be linked to many others using formulas. In a simple way of explaining this, 2 cells can be added together in a third cell using a formula that references them. The columns are named alphabetically and the rows numerically.
Thus the first cell is known as A1.
Here are two numbers in cells.
It is easy to create a formula that adds 2 cells, E.g., =A1+A2. Entering this formula in cell A3 effectively sums the first 2 cells into the 3rd cell.
Just kidding I don't have a crystal ball, and it should be SpyJournal - but I thought the accidental typo made a cool pun!
However what this post is about is revealing a plan to write a number of Back To Basics series. These will be written from two points of views, mine and Amanda's.
The reasons for the series.
I have had an extremely frustrating morning so far.
Last night I went to bed early (midnight)with a fair amount of work in my job queue intending to arise early and get stuck into it.
First thing I noticed when sitting at my desk this morning was the PC had restarted it self - strange I thought. I logged in and then noticed that the local PC backup had failed. On checking why I noticed that a hard drive was missing. Further checks revealed that hard drive had failed in the night - maybe the cause for the mysterious reboot. This is 2 from a batch of 3 Western Digital 500GB drives that have failed inside a month - any bets on the last one going soon?
After dinner the kids enticed me to come outside. The wife suggested that it would be a good idea if I saw the outside world, so I cautiously poked my head out the door. Fortunately the poisonous UV rays of twilight did not strike me with instant blindness, burning skin or even a faint sense of nausea. Soon I discovered that the dog is still alive (and remembers me), the grass has been mowed (by somone else) and the air smells different when it isn't pumped through an aircon.
Next thing I know 3 girls and I are involved in a mad game of Tag, you're it. I am sure the neighbours (whose house unfortunately hasn't drifted away with tectonic plate movements while I have been locked inside) thought that wild Indians were coming to scalp them.
I have recently really started to enjoy some quite bizarre and eclectic music. (Yes more than usual!)
Some bands I listen to and really enjoy include Oi Va Voi, Vaya Con Dios, Yasmin Levy and Jhoom Barabar Jhoom.
These are some cool music and the whole family enjoys listening to them. Jhoom in particular we crank the volume and jump around the house to!
check out their websites and their music.
With EatLime, you can easily share any file, including videos, pictures, and documents with your friends and family much faster. Thre reason EatLime is so fast is that your friends are able to start downloading your shared files as soon as you start uploading them. You can send as many files as you like and the active files on the system stay as long as they're in demand. Access is from anywhere at anytime. You can even use EatLime to send files through email and IM. It also has the ability to import all your contacts from Gmail, Hotmail, AOL, Yahoo, and you need never type your friends' full Email addresses again!
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