The Girl Geek Dinner Brisbane - Dinner 5 is on this week – and the girls are going to be doing guitar hero and more at the Microsoft Offices here in Brisbane. As usual Bronwen Zande from soul solutions is doing a stirling job organising it if her facebook entries are anything to go by!
They will be spoken to (in between bouts of guitar hero hilarity and girly giggling) by Tracey Whitelaw.
Tracy Whitelaw is a self-confessed geek and gadget girl who creates robot brains in her position as the Chief Knowledge Engineer at artificial intelligence company 'MyCyberTwin'. Based on the Gold Coast, Tracy works in an environment that delivers fully customised personalities and characters to a number of companies and businesses including NASA, AMP, NAB, PBL Media and others.
I’ve mentioned this site before, the Missy Confidential website. It is an awesome site for our Australian Readers to find themselves great bargains shopping for shoes, fashion clothing and accessories, lingerie, designer gear and cosmetics etc. They also have a blog, competitions and forums.
The Mom Blog Network is huge. The nest mom in the world – My wife Judith – has her blog connected to this site now. Feel free to subscribe to her cooking and craft tips and see the goss from inside our family life! or get it direct from her site at
Here we have our latest Geek Girl Blogger, Nikki Curtis… very interesting! Please take the time to read her survey below and check out her blog,, brilliant artwork, stories, etc.
Name: Nikki Curtis
Screen Name’s: IMPGirl + Nikki Curtis
Personal Blog:
Social Networks: Twitter + Facebook
Current Employment: Consulting Contractor - Marketing Communication . I currently have two part time jobs, one in Health and the other for an ICT professional body. My roles are part relationship management, part marketing and project development.
Location/country: Brisbane, Australia
And what a week is has been – with all sorts of amazing announcements, reversals and more on the Australian Domain Registration front with Bottle Domains and the auDA (Australia’s Domain Name Authority) slugging it out in the Supreme Court. This press release sum sit up well - auDA recklessness damages Australian domain industry
Andy and Carrie Lee had their little baby. There was no sign of facial hair (fortunately!)
Service Pack 2 for the 2007 Microsoft Office System due to ship April 28th
Office 2010 announced – official press release - Next Wave of Microsoft Office Products Will Redefine How People Work
Updated Version of Outlook Connector 12.1 Available
Translate Your Outlook Emails into Other Languages
Word Team Blog blogger Joannie Stangeland started up a vodcast series called A Writer's Guide to Microsoft Office.
Tonight the site WMpoweruser leaked the image of the Zune HD – and world is awash with rumours surrounding its specs and capabilities – looks like a device that is way in front of any Apple iPod products with rumours of HDMI, HD display, touch screen, HD Radio and WiFi.
Robin Good has a fantastic guide on How To Blog Anonymously And Maintain Control Of Your Personal Privacy. He lists techniques, tools and other strategies.
He also has written this one How To Embed And Display RSS Feeds On Any Web Page: Best RSS-To-HTML Publishing Tools – linking to lots of great tools.
We finally have a new Geek Girl Blogger to feature for you this week! Please read Brissy girl Kath’s profile/survey below….
Name: Kath Read Screen Name’s: sleepydumpling or The_Sleepydumpling
Personal Blog’s: and
Social Networks:
Flickr -
Tumblr -
Twitter -
YouTube -
Shelfari/Good Reads/LibraryThing/Book Mooch/BookCrossing - username sleepydumpling
Facebook (private)
Current Employment: Librarian - Digital Media
Location/country: Brisbane, Australia
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