Geek Girl Blogger - Kath Read

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We finally have a new Geek Girl Blogger to feature for you this week! Please read Brissy girl Kath’s profile/survey below….

Name: Kath Read
Me!Screen Name’s: sleepydumpling or The_Sleepydumpling
Personal Blog’s: and
Social Networks:
Flickr -
Tumblr -
Twitter -
YouTube -
Shelfari/Good Reads/LibraryThing/Book Mooch/BookCrossing - username sleepydumpling
Facebook (private)
Current Employment: Librarian - Digital Media
Location/country: Brisbane, Australia

What is your reason/motivation for blogging?

I enjoy sharing the stuff that fascinates me, talking with other people who are interested in the same things as I am, and it gives me a creative outlet.

What is it that you find yourself blogging about, mostly the same stuff or does it vary?

It does vary, or at least I try to mix it up.  When I'm not feeling so creative I have some good stand-by's to keep me going.  Gives me some structure when the inspiration is a little thin.

What style of blogging do you tend to use: short and regular, or not so regular but long, other? And is your blogging  text + photos or do you also use audio/ video?

I mix it up.  I don't really have a strict style or type.  I have whatever interests me at the time.  I have been trying to at least include a picture/photo or video in each post though, just to break up the text and make it easier on the reader's eye.  I do try to post regularly, at least 4 days a week.

42-15530438 How Kath became a Geek Girl Blogger:

Well, I think I was always a bit of a geek girl, having spent my entire life with my nose in a book and being one of those people who becomes obsessed with things that interest me rather than just being interested in them.  I surprised myself by ending up in IT, because I went from being a child care worker, to library assistant... and then ended up working in library IT and really found my "place".  I started blogging a few years ago when I made the decision to take my first overseas trip (3 months in the US) for my 35th birthday.  At first it was just a blog to spur me on to the trip, then it grew into my travel blog for everyone wanting to keep up with me.  I became so hooked on blogging that I now have several of them, the two main ones being listed above.

Thanks for reading our latest GGB survey…

If you are a Geek Girl Blogger, or know that you probably are one even if you don’t consider yourself to be one, and you’d like to be featured in our series, then please contact us and we’ll get back to you. We’re always on the lookout for some new GGB’s so don’t hesitate if you’re interested. We’d love to feature you!


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Anonymous's picture

great blog thanks for

great blog thanks for shairng,

Sue Ellen's picture

I wouldn't say you're to much

I wouldn't say you're to much of a geek girl, as geek to me denotes someone who can talk computer jargon, but your blog is very well written. The library training probably helped.