Geek Girl Blogger - Kate Carruthers

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This weeks GGB is Kate Carruthers, her profile is below…

Geek Girl Profile -

Name: Kate Carruthers
Screen Name’s: kcarruthers or carruthk 
Personal Blog:
Social Networks: Twitter, Plurk, Linkedin, Facebook, Friendfeed, Profilactic, flickr, digg, brightkite, social|median.
Current Employment: Digital Business Group Pty Ltd, Creation Nation Pty Ltd, Macquarie University
Location: Sydney, Australia.

kc_042008What is your motivation for blogging?

Just started as a way for me to remember stuff that caught my attention & keep track of ideas. Then it helped me to get in touch with the little girl who used to write stories everyday and I realised that I like writing, the process of communication.  Blogging is great fun because it is not just one way communication like a book, people can write back and you can have conversations.

What is it that you find yourself blogging about, mostly the same stuff or does it vary?

It varies from tech stuff, business, oddities, lolcats (I am obsessed with lolcats - refer for for more details).  Recently I've been writing a bit more about training and education since starting the lecture at university.

What style of blogging do you do, short and regular, or not so regular but long, other? And is your blogging just text or do you also use audio or video?

My blogging is in bursts depending on how busy I am with work & other stuff, and also how much something grabs my attention.  The format is mainly text but supported with images or embedded video such as, or TED (


How Kate became a Geek Girl Blogger:

I've been on the interwebs for a long time and was one of those people who were intrigued by the development of HTML in the early days. Mostly I was interested in hypertextuality and how it had the potential to change the way we communicate and think.  We're really starting to see that work out now in the concept of hyperconnectivity (HT: Mark Pesce), social media and social networks.  So I really started blogging to keep track of my ideas and things that interest me - thus the blog name "Aide-Memoire" or aid to memory.

Thanks for reading this weeks GGB survey……. if you are a Geek Girl Blogger, or know that you probably are one even if you don’t consider yourself to be one, and you’d like to be featured in our series, then please contact us and we’ll get back to you! We’re currently on the lookout for some new GGB’s so don’t hesitate if you’re interested. We’d love to feature you!



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Anonymous's picture

Great post.

Great post.