November 2007

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jethro's picture

Mix on Campus Wrap Up

Great line up today.

We had a chap from Qantm speaking up the semantic web, virtualisation technologies, mashups and more. He was followed by the Faraday Media guys talking about APML, but more generally talking about some of the issues surrounding a Web 2.0 startup in Queensland. We had a great presentation by Nick Hodge on Mashups using PopFly, I have created some already - watch out for them on here soon. Silverlight got a background explanation and also some cool demos - mind you PopFly uses Silverlight also. We also had lunch hosted by Microsoft, and I scored a cool shirt. In the morning there were 2 web development companies presenting some information for graduates who may be looking for developer roles. Clearly Speedwell were a cutting edge design company  while JSA was far more of a design company, firmly ensconced  in flash technology.

jethro's picture

Nick Hodge

Awesome. Nick Hodge has taken the stage to talk about PopFly. Simultaneously the red bull girls came round handing out cans. As Nick was demonstrating the Live Messenger plugin on his side bar I sent him a quick message saying hi -I was drinking red bull up the back. As his site was live at the time on the screen and he was logged into msn, he answered my comment and waved to me. Next thing I know a Microsoft person handed me a cool Microsoft dress shirt!

Popfly is a cool free mashup application.

jethro's picture

APML and serendipity

Wow how amazing is this? The other day I was reading Robin Good's beginners guide to APML. I bookmarked it and a number of pages about it. What is it? Read the guide, look at the wiki and check out the APML website.

Following Robins page I found Engagd. Today at the Mix on Campus event we are listening to the founders of APML and Faraday Media in the actual conference.

Serendipity !

jethro's picture

Mix on Campus

I a currently online at Microsoft Mix On Campus. I am learning lots of cool stuff about the internet growth. market penetraton, new technologies coming etc. There are some interesting consequences for internet development in the future. Stay tuned

Lena's picture

Create a Photo Collage Using Pictures of Your Facebook Friends

An article by Amit tells us how to create a photo collage of your Facebook Friends in two seconds. Step 1: Login into your Facebook account and click the Friends tab. Step 2: Select the drop-down box and click the list separator (--) in that drop down . Done!

jethro's picture

He who has ears to hear

Yesterday and this morning I was reading from Isaiah 6:9-10 - it shows that it is only those who actually hear that get the message – those who listen don’t.

jethro's picture

Whats your favorite thing to do on a Sunday?

Go to Church
0% (0 votes)
Sleep In
0% (0 votes)
Family Time
33% (2 votes)
17% (1 vote)
Watch TV
0% (0 votes)
Something Else
0% (0 votes)
All of the above
50% (3 votes)
None of the Above
0% (0 votes)
Total votes: 6
jethro's picture

Erin and Mercedes having fun

Check out these two photos. Both are of the girls having fun, how different do they look? Erin has made a very cool mask being a combination of a reindeer antlers, mask and feathers - she is laughing and enjoying herself. After I took the photo Mercedes who was likewise happy and laughing wanted her photo taken. As soon as I pointed the camera at her she grabbed the bag she was holding and crushed it up to her face and put this sad look on, looking down away from the camera. I took the photo and immediately she wanted to see it. She is so theatrical!

jethro's picture


We took the kids down the mall Thursday night (family night) to see the Pre Christmas show - some dancing girls singing songs, a giant frosty and rudolph, and fireworks. The kids were enthralled. The fireworks were a decent set that went for 10-15 minutes or so as well and we were pretty close so they were up close and loud.

I only had my camera phone there so the photos aren't anything spectacular - I wish I took the real camera! However they are pretty cool. Most of them are on Flickr.

Lena's picture

Creation Magazine Live

Check out the Creation Magazine online. There are 24 of the one hour magazine episodes to watch for free. The Creation magazine is all about changing lives and building the faith of Christians. It contains dozens of articles by many different scientists that refute evolution and support the Bible's account of creation.