November 2007

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jethro's picture

Walking around the lake

I took the kids out for a walk late Wednesday afternoon while I had a break from programming. They wanted to go to a new park, so I took them up to a park the other side of estate that they haven't been to for ages. They loved playing on the playground equipment as there was some different things there, some leap frog mushrooms and a climbing wall for example.

More importantly there is a lake there, and there were 3 black swans on it. I only had the phone camera so the photos aren't very flash. More on Flickr.

jethro's picture

Windows Live Writer out of Beta has the news that Windows Live Writer has come out of beta, and will be rolled out as an important update to all beta users with microsoft update. For new users wanting to know what the fuss is about, go and download it directly from the Windows Live site.

Lena's picture

Schedule Windows shutdowns with WinOFF

The freeware application WinOFF schedules Windows shutdown, restart, log off, hibernate, and other shutdown modes with a scheduling criteria. You can opt to shut down after a specific time, or when the CPY is idle or usage is low for period of time. Find out more and download WinOFF.

Windows 9x/Me/NT/2000/XP only.

jethro's picture

Drupal 6.3 Beta announced - not long now to Drupal 6 release

Last week Drupal 6.3 Beta was announced along with the statement that Drupal Version 6 would be released in a week or so. Look for an announcement later this week or next week.
I haven't bothered testing the betas but as soon as version 65 is released for real I will get a copy isntalled on a test dserver for a play. There are some particularly nice features in this new release. Heres a list:
The new Drupal 6 experience starts with the installer, which has been
drastically improved. It now guides you through the initial setup
steps, so starting a new Drupal site is significantly easier.
Configuration parameters that used to be all over the place are now
prompted for during the install so there are fewer steps necessary to
get the site configured.
jethro's picture

How we use technology at work, school and play

Following Scott Hanselman's, Steve Richards and Bill Gates lead, I have decided to share my office and workspace setup.

This isn't meant to be a gloat about the technology I use rather an explanation of the tools that I use in my job. Plumbers and electricians have cool vans full of all their gear and they probably spend more on that than I have on this.

My office is around 4 metres square, though one corner is chamfered off. In order to maximise the space available and still create enough room for my staff to work I have a real mixture of furniture. My desk is a curved reception desk I picked up second hand from the gym when they remodelled. It has nice deep drawers on both sides and the 90 degree curving space is an excellent fit for the 4 monitors I work on - 2 x 22" and 2 x 19" wide screens. It also holds current files and data, pens, blank cds, odds and ends and all the cables to connect my mobile phone, camera, video camera and creative zen. On top at each end I store things that I don't need to look at but need to access. In the middle I have a photo frame of my 4 kids and a Lego Bionicle I was given when leaving a client.

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jethro's picture

One True Media - web 2.0 at work

I just created this really cool montage of my kids after importing images from Flickr.

View this montage created at One True Media
My Montage 11/26/07

Click the picture to play it. You can make your own as well at

I got the heads up from Robin Good who has published an in depth tutorial on using the One True Media.

Lena's picture

Download SnagIt

You can now download SnagIt screen capture software for free, no strings attached. Some of the cool features of SnagIt are that you can capture scrolling long web pages, extract text from windows and annotate images. Amit has put up some instructions for us on how to download SnagIt for free.

jethro's picture

Lots of useful stuff in Ephesians 5

Following my post about Sunday I had a comment to respond to regarding what we found in Ephesians.

There's lots of useful stuff in Ephesians. Some of the best stuff there was in relation to how as husbands we are to love our wives as Christ loved the church - there are lots of parallels there - and as a result the wife will submit to the husband - as the girls pointed out they are more likely to want to when we love them that way.

Specific things included building them up and edifying them, assisting them to grow spiritually, loving them sacrificially, etc.

The group dynamic was also interesting - put 4 couples in a room and there's always some interesting comments!

Lena's picture


SightSpeed is a great award winning provider of Internet video chat and voice calling for friends and family, and video conferencing solutions for businesses. It offers really great video and sound quality with the highest-quality, full-motion 30 frames per second video with clear audio and no annoying delay. You can even send video mail and there is also a low-rate worldwide phone calling.

jethro's picture

Fun Sunday Night

We had a great day today. First we went to see Dr Jonathan Sarfati present information on Creation Science. He presented some very good deconstructions of evolutionist positions on things like the Grand Canyon, the fossil record and cell design.

Following that we hung out with the Lehtonens for lunch at our place for a while. Later in the afternoon (after a nap) I took the kids up to the park for a play. Mercedes gets so excited about bugs. I showed her a little bug that was crawling along the grass and she watched entranced as it got to the top of a grass stem - balancing akwardly - and then eventually launched up and flew away - "Bye Bye Bug" she said.

My next job was mopping the floors! 

Home group and a shared meal for dinner. Our pastor came tonight and we looked closely at Ephesians chapter 5 and the roles of husband and wife in marriage.