Last week I was struggling with getting an array formula to work properly with the MAX function.
I had a column of business units, a column of dates and a status column.
I wanted to find the most recent date for any given business unit where the status was a particular criteria.
I did try using Bob Phillip's sum product page and Chris Pearson's array formulas page, but it still wasn't working right. Fortunately Bob emailed me with the answer and explained it very well. (I was missing the IF function).
Heres the formula and what Bob said about it:
=MAX(IF((criteria_range1="criteria1")* (criteria_range2="criteria2")* (criteria_range3="criteria3"), date_range))
Microsoft's new mouse is according to their claim a comfortable mouse that is the most advanced mobility tool available. It's features are:
Its transceiver contains 1 GB Flash Memory, which frees up 1 USB port. Apparently you can even continue to work while your mouse is charging.
I think we will continue to see more of these types of combinations of hardware as manufacturers attempt to differentiate their products from the generic masses.
When designing a website or blog, you've probably wanted to add images to your creation. It's easy to forget that the images belong to the people who have created them. Staying legal means you’ll have to either create your own images or buy them from stock sites. This website has a collection of free images that can be used.
I am settling into my media room for 7 odd hours of V8 Supercar racing.
All the details are on the website.
This race is like my birthday present from Australia. I have watched this race every year since about 1985 or so with only a couple of exceptions.
The race is about to start. I have live details of placings & track positions on my tablet & am blogging this also. Wired & ready to go!
We all went for a walk on Friday afternoon with Grandad Miller while Grandma had a rest.
Jude took quite a few photos including the two here of us having a rest on one of the paths in our estate and Grandad and I giving the two littlest ones a ride home.
She also snapped a great macro photo of two lady birds mating.
We explored through some swamps, jungles, islands and twisting pathways, finding hidden playgrounds, animals and creek crossings using fallen logs and stepping stones. Lots of fun!
Nick has written an article on not letting work overtake your life:
Those of us in the technology sector see it all the time: co-workers who put in incredible hours coding away as though they have nothing else in their lives. And quite often, they don't.
I used to be one of those people.
When I was working on HomeSite over a decade ago, I rarely left my desk. If I wasn't coding, I was answering email or doing some other work-related task. I hardly slept, ate far too much junk food, and traded my health for what I thought was a successful career as a software developer.
Read the rest of the Don't Trade your Life for Tech article.
The party was lots of fun.
We ate, talked played poker and munchkins and had a ball of fun.
The kids ran amok, watched movies and played games and chatted - they had fun as well. Miranda made 2 new friends her age.
I enjoyed myself immensely - its great having family and friends around.
Thanks to all who made it soooo good.
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