Did a lot of running today - ran 2 kms in 12 minutes on the treadmill as a warm up and then about another 4-5km or so in jogging interspersed with short sprints. (more sprinting than jogging!) Corey was tough on us but its all good!
Jude and I watched The Terminal tonight - really funny movie. I was crying with laughter at the romantic dinner scene.
Amit has posted about Microsoft's new Office 2007 viewers.
Microsoft has recently introduced a free Word 2007 viewer that lets you view docx Word documents, even if you don't have any version of Word installed. This does away with the need to download the Office 12 Compatibility Pack or manually convert .docx to .doc format using any of the online conversion services to open a Word 2007 document. To use the viewer you will still need to install the Office Compatibility Pack.
Microsoft has also provided a Powerpoint 2007 viewer for pptx presentations. There is currently no Excel 2007 viewer however you can convert xlsx to xls using Zamzar and then view the converted spreadsheet in Google Docs.
Check out the links below to download the Viewers
Word 2007 Viewer
Powerpoint 2007 Viewer
Its all fun and games with insurance here.
In the last couple of weeks we have had 3 separate insurance issues to deal with.
First, we had a computer breakdown. We have a policy that covers this specifically, so we had emergency repairs to do and then wait for the cheque to come. that took 3 weeks and we were out of pocket $3500 while we were waiting.
Then we had the car that we had sold but not swapped over (short by two days) hit by hail and a lot of damage to panels. The car yard no longer wants to give us our agreed trade price and the insurers assessor has assessed the damage as repairs only. However there is a secondary cost and that is to the market value of the vehicle. The car yard have declared even if it is repaired they wont give us the same price, and without repairs the trade in is way less than what the insurance would pay out. I am in "negotiations" with the insurance company to honour their commitment to repair to original market value.
Open source software has a lot to offer the business world. Not only are they generally free, many open source programs are more secure, reliable and customizable than their proprietary counterparts. Now days many of the big companies like Amazon, Google, and Yahoo run their servers with Linux rather than Windows. Christina has put together a list of 50 apps that can help your business switch to open source.
Steve Richards has written an interesting article debating whether improved collaboration will involve culture change. He starts with citing Michael's work that "we hide behind the need for culture change on many collaboration projects....if a team can run a project in email then they can run one in a collaboration tool. They don't need a change in "culture" to make the transition, they need a change in "work practice". Steve however disagrees. Read the rest of Steve's article on whether improved collaboration will involve culture change.
I took Erin and Mercedes to the park on the weekend and played with them while Jadeen and Miranda were away with Grandad and Grandma. I got some really cool pictures - some posed and some not.
Here is Mercedes in wonderment over a dandelion seed head that was floating around. She was so careful with it not wanting to squash it and it kept floating away and she would go running after it again. It took me ages to get a good photo because she wouldn't stay still and I only had the camera phone and low light as the sun had just set.
There is a huge public discussion on internet pornography. Whether we realise it or not, porn is a very large (read profitable) part of the internet. Censorship is being considered and lots of organisations are calling for governments to variously protect children, filter porn, provide regulation etc.
Worthwhile organisations like the Australian Family Association have posted articles calling for an urgent mandatory filtering of pornography at a national ISP level and make statements like this Every Australian has a fundamental right to access the internet free from pornography and extreme violence.
While I completely agree with the intention behind these statements, they fall short in a number of areas.
The first area where these ideas fall down is the actual concept of censorship and responsibility.
Doug Klippert writes Unofffical Office Stuff at www.klippert.com
His website has so many cool hints and tips on various Office products, but his Outlook tips are probably the best in my opinion. Heres a calendar customisation hint.
Donovan Lange, a Microsoft OneNote Software Design Engineer has written a Top Ten reasons for using OneNote. Seeing as he only put up 9 reasons, I would add to his list the awesome screen capture and text searching in screen capture images features.
Heres some of his reasons:
Read the rest of Donovan's Top Ten Reasons for using OneNote list and all the details on his blog.
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