Gamer regret- a sudden, horrifying sense of emptiness when you muse on all the other things you could have done with your game time.
Clive Thompson has written on the sudden feeling of gamer regret. "I was 10 days into playing Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground -- a little RPG I reviewed last month -- and I was poking around the "settings" menu. I noticed that it had a "time played" option, which shows you how long you've been toiling away at the game. Curious, I clicked it.
Thirty-six hours."
Clive continues on the internal debate gamers feel
Dries Buytaert, the creator of Drupal just posted an article stating that Brittany spears new website was built in Drupal. I flicked over to to see and have posted a screen shot of what I found - check out the Google Adsense ads!
Check out Sports Do, it's a GPS sports tracking system from your mobile phone for friends and family. It enables you to record your sporting activities while broadcasting live tracking stats to friends and family via the SportsDo web portal. A detailed analysis of your activities can be performed on the SportsDo web portal so that you can improve your performance. Check out SportsDos website for more info.
Jesus preached Woe on the pharisees and other religious hypocrites of the day in Matthew 23.
In our day there are many who have a form of Godliness but deny the reality of it. Some of this can bee seen in their actions. There are numerous websites and emails circulating that are attempts by people calling themselves christians, some well meaning, others I believe deliberately fraudulent.
Andrew recently posted a piece of VBA code used to create dynamic ranges. Very useful.
Here is my original post on dynamic ranges posted back in 2004 repeated.
If you have used a range name before then you will know that it can be frustrating updating the reference of the range name if you want to add data to the range.
Here are some ways you can dynamically update the range by using the OFFSET function in the range name reference.
Assume for all these examples that column A has a mixture of text and numbers for several cells.
Click Insert - Name - Define on the menu.
In the Names in Workbook Dialog box type a range name (Eg test_range) and then try these different options.
1: Expand Down as Many Rows as There are Numeric Entries.
In the Refers to box type: =OFFSET($A$1,0,0,COUNT($A:$A),1)
2: Expand Down as Many Rows as There are Numeric and Text Entries.
In the Refers to box type: =OFFSET($A$1,0,0,COUNTA($A:$A),1)
Susan Bradley AKA the SBS diva is a SBS 2003 Legend!
Following normal Microsoft practice of patching what aint broke and then wondering why it is broke, I installed the Best Practices Analyser last week on my SBS2003 server. Previously it had been running absolutely perfectly. (well as perfectly as a Microsoft server can get - only needed restarting every 2 weeks or so)
The BPA told me my system was largely ok but I should fix some things. With the assistance of Susan I duly fixed these things.
I had a dream about making scones last night with meat in them. While thats a bit weird, I can make really good scones - in fact I have even won prizes for them.
So I thought I would give the recipe I use and the creative combinations of "special" ingredients that make them good.
Scones follow a basic recipe that has the same proportions of things. I'm using 3 of everything below, but you could use 1 or 2 or 5 if you wanted.
Start with a large enough mixing bowl for how much you are going to make.
Its Not Cheating! back by popular demand.
Know a uni or TAFE student? The 'It's Not Cheating' promotion is back by popular demand. It invites students who have a valid email address and are actively enrolled at an educational institution to purchase Microsoft Office Ultimate 2007 for AUD$75. The offer is now also open to TAFE students. Offer ends May 15, 2008. Forward onto friends and families before offer ends!
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